- 如果我们观察水波的横截面,我们会看到波形是按一定的间隔重复的。
If we look at a cross section of a water wave, we may see that the wave form repeats itself at regular intervals.
- 节疤这种突出物的横截面,呈圆形,比周围的地方要黑,常常出现在切割好的木材上
The round, often darker cross section of such a lump as it appears on a piece of cut lumber.
- 地层,岩层处于土地的垂直横截面中的某一具体土层或次土层
A specific layer of soil or subsoil in a vertical cross section of land.
- 每个班都代表着整个社会的一个完全相当的横截面。
Each class represented an identical cross-section of the community.