- 非常遗憾,我公司不得不通知,在此同一时期内,需要取消数种订单。
I regret that I have to notify you of so many order being cancelled at the same time.
- 遗憾的是 ...
It is to be regretted that ...
- (他)竟然提出此事,令人遗憾。
I regret (his) ever having raised the matter.
- 很遗憾,(关於那事)你听到的情况不确。
I regret to say you have been misinformed (about that).
- 很遗憾,我不能帮助您。
I regret (that) I can't help you.
- 我对自己对这个课题的无知感到遗憾。
I regret my ignorance on the subject.
- 我们遗憾地把我们的决定通知她。
We informed her with regret of our decision.
- 我们很遗憾无法再考虑你的情况。
We regret that we are unable to reconsider your case.