- 巨浪将那艘失事的船只冲击得支离破碎。
The huge waves battered the wrecked ship to pieces.
- 失事的火车横在铁轨上。
The wrecked train lay aslant the track.
- 那位船长被免除了因船只失事而遭致的非难和罪责。
The captain is absolved from all blame and responsibility for the shipwreck.
- 我们在一个木筏子上找到了失事船只的船员。
We found the shipwrecked sailors on a raft.
- 船只失事的消息很快就广泛地传开了。
The news of shipwreck soon spread out widely.
- 我获悉失事的消息感到十分震惊。
I was devastated by the news of the crash.
- 那条船马上就有失事的危险。
The ship was in imminent peril of being wrecked.
- 这船触礁失事了。
The ship was wrecked on a reef.