- 海鸟每年都要从一个地方迁徙到另一个地方。
Seabirds will fly from here to another place for migration every year.
- 其中一个男人侮辱了另一个男人,于是他们就打了起来。
One of the man insulted another, whereupon a fight broke out.
- 这男孩很聪明,他可能成为另一个爱迪生。
This boy is very smart; he may be another Edison.
- 这个问题还有你尚未考虑到的另一个方面。
There is another dimension to this problem which you haven't considered.
- 如果失败,我还有另一个机会。
I shall have another chance in the event of failure.
- 糨糊是用于使一个接触面粘住另一个接触面的。
Paste is used to make one surface adhere to another.