- 线性随机延迟微分方程半隐式Euler方法的局部收敛性证明 The proof of the local convergence of the semi - implicit Euler method for a linear stochastic differential delay equation
- 半隐式向后Euler本构积分 Semi -implicit back euler constitutive integration
- 半隐式方案 semi-implicit scheme
- 半隐式格式 semi-impllcated method
- 隐式Euler-Taylor方法 implicit Euler-Taylor method
- 半隐式玻璃幕墙 Semi-Hidden Glass Wall
- Euler方法 Euler method
- 半隐式数值积分法 semi-implicit numerical integration method
- 半拉格朗日、半隐式欧拉方程组大气数值模式研究 An Atmospheric Model with Semi-Lagrangian and Semi-Inplicit Eulerian Equations Preliminary Numeical Tests on Deep Convection
- 线性随机微分延迟方程复合Euler方法的均方收敛性 Mean square convergence of the composite Euler method for a linear stochastic differential delay equation
- 线性随机微分延迟方程复合Euler方法的均方稳定性 GMS- stability of the composite Euler method for a linear stochastic differential delay equation
- 嵌入式 flush bonding
- 半隐式预估校正法 semi - implicit predictor - corrector method
- 美式英语 American English
- 嵌入式系统 embedded system
- 该方法通过网格变换将卡氏坐标下的二维Euler方程组转换到统一坐标下,使其仍为守恒型和双曲型(h=1时为弱双曲型),并以h=0即Euler方法和h=1即Lagrangian方法作为两种特殊情况。 The two-dimensional Euler equations are still conservative and hyperbolic (weakly hyperbilic,when h = 1) after a transformation from Cartesian coordinates (t, x, y) to unified coordinate (A, ?T;) . The unified coordinate takes Eule-rian coordinates while h - 0 and Lagrangian coordiantes while h = 1 as its two special cases.
- 巴洛克式 barpque
- 组合式 combined type
- 启发式 heuristic
- 针式打印机 stylus printer