- 反对党拟将谴责政府处理该事的动议提交议会辩论。
The Opposition plan to put down a censure motion on the Government's handling of the affair.
- 这一提案[动议/决议]以340票对210票获得通过。
The bill/motion/resolution was carried by 340 votes to 210.
- 那动议以12票对10票通过。
The motion was passed by 12 votes to 10.
- 那动议经X先生提出有Y夫人附议。
The motion (ie for debate) was proposed by Mr X and seconded by Mrs Y.
- 反对派威胁要强行将该动议分组表决。
The opposition threatened to force a division on the motion.
- 这项动议已提交给大会了。
The motion was put to the assembly.