- "Sod off", he shouted. “滚开”,他大喊道。
- He lost temper and told the man in his office to sod off. 他发脾气了,告诉他办公室的好个人滚蛋。
- He shouted defiance words at the enemy. 他大声呼喊着向敌人挑战。
- He shouted for them to go forward. 他大叫,要他们向前进。
- In a blaze of anger he shouted at us. 他盛怒之下,对我们大声叫嚷。
- The dog groveled at his feet when he shouted at it. 他一叫,那狗就趴在他脚下。
- "Halloo!" he shouted to his hounds. “嗨!”他对猎狗喊到。
- Even as he shouted the warning the car skidded. 就在他高喊注意的时候,汽车滑动了。
- " Sod off", he shouted. “滚开”,他大喊道。
- He shouted insults at the boy who had kicked him. 他大声辱骂那个踢了他的男孩。
- In a blaze of fury he shout at his wife. 狂怒之下,他冲着他太太吼叫。
- "Gee up!" he shouted as the horse came near the winning post. 那匹马跑近终点标竿时,他喊到:"快跑!"
- Starting up from the kang,he shouted after her: Where are you off to? 他从炕上蓦地惊起,冲她嚷道:“你到哪儿去?”
- He shouted a series of staccato orders. 他一顿一顿地大声下了几道命令.
- He shouted his orders [my name]. 他高声发出命令[喊我名字]。
- He shouted to his friend to remember the wine. 他大声提醒他朋友别忘了酒。
- He shouted to me that the boat was sinking. 他对我大声喊叫说船要沉了。
- "Aren't you going to stop that row?" he shouted. “你别弄这么大声音行不行?”他喊道。
- Tell him to sod off. 叫他走开。
- The valley echoed when he shouted. 他喊叫时山谷发出回音。