- 罗马人193个选举分区之一 One of the193 electoral divisions of the Roman people.
- 193聚氨酯彩色防水保温系统 colored waterproof and insulation system with 193 Polyurethane
- 193 nm光刻散射条技术研究 A Study on Scattering Bar in 193 nm Lithography
- 一种适用于193 nm光刻胶的硫鎓盐光产酸剂的制备与性质 The Preparation and Properties of a Kind of Sulfonium Salt PAG Applicable for 193 nm Photoresist
- 参见万鄂湘石磊等著.国际条约法.武汉:武汉大学出版社1998.193. Clive Parry, The Sources and Evidences of International Law,Manchester,University Press,1965,p.38.
- 菌落总数合格193份,合格率60.3%; 大肠菌群合格149份,合格率46.6%; Aerobic bacterial count qualified 193,with a pass rate 60.3%25 while coliform bacteria 149 passes,with a pass rate 46.6%25.
- 卢瓦河法国西北部一河流,流程约311公里(193英里),大致向西注入萨尔河。 A river, about311 km(193 mi) long, of northwest France flowing generally westward to the Sarthe River.
- ,新异名 ; Arge lutea Cameron,190 ,=Arge forcipata tibetana Malaise,193 3 ,syn. Arge lutea Cameron, 190 , = Arge forcipata tibetana Malaise, 1933, syn.
- 据1990年调查,城市男女职工平均月收入分别为193.15元和149.60元,女性的平均收入是男性的77.4%。 According to a survey conducted in 1990,the average monthly incomes for male and female workers in urban areas were 193.15 yuan and 149.60 yuan respectively,with women receiving only 77.4 percent of the pay given to men.
- 新世纪广场位于旺角太子道西193号,商场楼高七层,面积达720,000平方尺,为旺角区带来崭新的购物饮食新体验。 Grand Century Place at 193 Prince Edward Road West offers a new shopping and dining experience in Mong Kok. The seven-storey mall has 720,000 sq. Ft. Of floor area.
- 香港艺术中心共有3个剧场,分别为设有439个座位的寿臣剧院、有193个座位的林百欣电影院及80个座位的麦高利小剧场。 The centre has three auditoria - the 439-seat Shouson Theatre,the 193-seat Lim Por Yen Film Theatre and the 80-seat McAulay Studio.
- 应用动态心电图(DCG)对193例心脏病患者进行24小时观察,比较了白天清醒与夜间睡眠期的窦性心律及各种心律失常的变化情况. Twenty-four hour Dynamic Elctrocarodigram (DCG) was used for the observation of 193 cases with various heart diseases.
- 方法:低场 MRI正中矢状位 T1W1图像上测量正常人(193例)、中枢性尿崩症(31例)及肺癌(33例)的垂体后叶信号强度,并与桥脑的信号强度相比较。 Methods The signal intensity of posterior pituitary lobe in low field MRI about 193 healthy subjects,31 with central diabetes insipidus (CDI) and 33 with pulmonary cancers were measured, and compared with the signal intensity of pons.
- 方法:采用ELISA、IRMA和RIA法对肺癌组(273例)、慢性支气管炎组(179例)、正常对照组(193例)进行血清LN、sE-SLT、HA、CA242、NSE、CEA、AIF含量测定. NSE? CEA and AIF were detected by ELISA,IRMA and RIA methods in lung cancer group(273 cases)? chronic bron-chopneumonia group(179 cases) and control group(193 cases).
- 圣玛尔塔哥伦比亚北部一城市,位于加勒比海沿岸,巴兰基亚东北偏东方。它建于1525年,为该国最古老的城市和重要的加工业与航运中心。人口193,160 A city of northern Colombia on the Caribbean Sea east-northeast of Barranquilla. Founded in1525, it is the oldest city in the country and an important processing and shipping center. Population,193, 160.
- 6)氮、钾、氯、钾/氯比四个因素符合“国际型优质烟叶”质量标准的概率只有0.726、0.379、0.193、0.829,目前我国烤烟营养不够协调的主要方面是养分浓度偏低。 5) For N,K,Cl and K/Cl,the probability of according with the international standard of high quality tobacco leaves were respectively 0.726,0.379,0.193 and 0.829,indicating that unbalance nutrient in flue-cured tobacco in China may attribute to the insufficient of nutrient in leaves.
- 维生素E醋酸酯对鱼油中不饱和脂肪酸效用系数大小依次为:ARA>EPA>DHA>C18:3>0>C16:1>C18:2>C18:1,对ARA抗氧化效用最大,效用系数达到10.193%,C20:5为0.490%,C22:6为0.364%; Efficiency coefficient of antioxidant(ECA)of vitamin E acetate on unsaturated fatty acids ranked as the following:C20:4>EPA>DHA>C18:3>0>C16:1>C18:2>C18:1; ECA on ARA attached to 10.193%25,maximum EPA 0.490%25,DHA 0.364%25 respectively.
- 在1989年和1990年试验的基础上,利用计算机对27个早稻高产品种和36个晚稻高产品种的193个性状的育种值进行了逐步回归和通径分析,得到的结果通过x~2测验和预测准确率测验,其效果都十分理想. It is reported that computers were used in the gradual regression and the path analysis of the breeding value of 193 characters of 27 high-yield early-rice varieties and 36high-yield late-rice varieties on the basis of experiment data in 1989 and 1990 in this article,The results were tested with x~2 tests and accurancy calculate tests and their effects were ideal.