- Lot 99 is a pair of antique vases. 第九十九批拍卖品是一对古瓶。
- RESULTS The ampticom to cagA was positive in 99 strains, and fragments to cagM was positive in 93 strains. pylori菌株,选择cagI中的cagA和cagM为观测对象,分别扩增cagA中的298bp片段及cagM中的170bp片段。
- The sensitivity was 93% of CT, 99% of ECG triggered HASTE and 91% of respiratory gated TSE, respectively. 其敏感性分别为:CT93%25,心电门控HASTE99%25,呼吸门控TSE91%25。
- I'd like a6 o'clock wake-up call tomorrow, please. 请在明天早上6点钟电话叫醒我。
- S. K. Nayar, “Omnidirectional vision,” in Proc. of the Int. Symposium on Robotics Research, pp. 93 - 99, Japan, 1997. 马秀雯,使用音讯与视讯资料融合方法于生物验证,成功大学资讯工程学系博士论文,民国92年。
- Provides a6 dB-per-octave rolloff filter at115 Hz. 提供一个115赫兹时每八度6分贝的低频上移滤波器。
- We dusted the American team 106 to 99. 我们以106比99分击败了美国队。
- Even a6% commission is not high. 甚至百分之六的佣金都不算高。
- Take the A2 and exit at Marateca onto the A6. 如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。
- Vehicle Type: JETTA, AUDI A6, PASSAT, SKODA, etc. 适用车型:捷达二阀,奥迪A6,帕萨特,斯柯达等
- Wow! 93 miles per hour! This guy can really throw! 哦!时速93英里!这投手真会投!
- Much of it may come from you,the Class of'99! 99届的同学们,众多的领导人可能就将从你们中产生!
- There, median incomes run to about $93,000. 那里,收入中位数达到了93,000美元。
- In 1913 his plant produced a Model T every 93 min. 1913年,他的车间每93分钟就能出产一辆福特T型车。
- Up to 99 order can be stored into the memory. 最多可储存99组订单尺寸。
- At 93 he's finally realized he's getting past it. 他到了93岁终於意识到自己已不中用.
- The lease runs for a term of 99 years. 租赁合同为99年时间。
- The spores could not germinate under RH<93%. 相对湿度小于 93%25 ,孢子不能萌发。
- This profile was most recently found in "99". 此简要表最后一次是在"99"目录中找到的。
- The purity of baicalein is about 93% in the HPLC. 高效液相色谱检测分离的黄芩素的纯度可达93%25。