- ZBC . we will take part in CIOE of Guangzhou .we warm welcome national and overseas customer come to our 89#B2 . booklet and gift wait for you !Hope cooperation with you! 届时敬请广大新老客户光临B2馆89号,我们将现场接受您的技术咨询,并向您赠送技术资料、精美小礼品等。
- The recombinant plasmid pUC18 E6 had been got. 获得重组质粒 pUC18 E6。
- XY001,clear to taxi via A,A9,holding point rwy 02. 管:学员001,可以滑行,滑行道A、A9,跑道02外等待。
- The rudiment of the Fabricius bursa develops from vacuoles between the dorsal epithelia cells of the cloaca,then small vacuoles coalescence to form a large vacuoles during E6 to E8. 在E6到E8腔上囊原基由泄殖腔背面上皮间的小空泡合并成大空泡形成。
- The XM1400 is powered by a9 volt alkaline battery. 这仪器是由九伏特的电池供电.
- We are ACE of the A9 Airforce,The Death from sky! 实在太赞了!!为何最后没有演完就结束了呢?
- The will be drawn when he was 89 years old. 这将在他89岁的时候签署。
- We rl move on July 25,89 to No.187,Nanking Road. 我方将于89年7月25日迁移至南京路187号。
- B2: Yes, I do. Thanks for asking. (是啊,我介意。谢谢你问我。)
- Take vitamin B2 to you can affect Morpheus? 服用维生素B2会影响睡眠吗?
- We rl move on July 25, 89 to No.187, Nanking Road. 我方将于89年7月25日迁移至南京路187号。
- We print in offset technique up to B2 format. 我们能够透印的最大尺寸为B2。
- Brooks is 89 years old and still going strong. 布鲁克斯已经89岁了, 仍然很健康。
- B2: I work in school/ in an office/in a hospital. 我在学校/办公室/医院工作.
- The oldest performer is 89 year-old Busker Bill . 年龄最大的艺人是89岁的“街头艺人比尔”。
- He had just been reelected with 89% of the vote. 他刚以89%25的得票率再次当选市长。
- Turn south on UT 89 and travel past Panguitch. 反过来南部UT斯达康89和旅行过去潘圭奇。
- The median ECMO supporting time was 89 hours. 体外维生系统使用期间的中位数为89小时。
- The A9 Toolbar will be uninstalled when the browser is restarted. 当浏览器被重启时,A9工具条将被卸掉。
- Come up the A9 from Inverness, following the signs for Thurso. 取消政策:如果在入住日1天之前,取消预订酒店将不收取费用。