- 金脉单药花 Aphelanclra squarrosa cv "Dania"
- 银脉单药花 Aphelandra squarrosa Louisae
- 预应力带肋单层网壳 pre-stressed single-layer spherical lattice shell with ribs
- 黄 sulfur
- 花 flower
- 浅谈中承式钢管拱肋单拱桥的施工方法 Elementary discussion on the construction method of single arch bridge with mid-supported type's steel pipe rib
- 药 medicine
- 做这个实验大药花了两个小时。 It took me just on two hours to do this experiment.
- 黄页 yellow page
- 花开 bloom
- 肋 rib
- 黄钻 Elopichthys bambusa
- 报销单 expense account
- 花的 floristic
- 用药 use medicine
- 飞黄腾达 make a rapid advance in one's career
- 表单 memu
- 开花 abloom
- 大黄 rhubarb
- 药的 medicinal