- 肮脏的受贿丑闻. a seamy bribery scandal
- 那部长的供词把很多官员牵连到受贿丑闻中。 The minister's confession implicate numerous official in the bribery scandal.
- 接着,玛古又脱掉那双家常穿的粗布鞋,换上一双肮脏的锻子鞋。 Madge then stripped off the coarse ordinary shoes which she wore, and replaced them by a pair of dirty satin ones.
- 受贿丑闻 bribery scandal
- 这就是你老婆所在的那个腐败,肮脏的行业,安德鲁,我对它咬牙切齿! That's the rotten, filthy business your wife is in, Andrew, and I loathe it!
- 许多官员与这桩受贿丑闻有牵连。 Numerous officials figured in the bribery scandal.
- 肮脏的空气不适宜呼吸。 The foul air is unfit to breathe.
- 受贿 accept bribes
- 肮脏 dirty
- 5名政府高级官员卷入到这场受贿丑闻中。 Five high ranking officials of the Government were implicated in the bribery scandal
- 肮脏的 dirty
- 他厌恶这笔肮脏的交易。 He was sick of the sordid deal.
- 却发现了一个装有珠宝的、肮脏的红包袱。老妇人说那不是她的。 But the inspector found a dirty red bundle that contained jewellery which the old lady said was not hers.
- 他写了一封信给公安部门来揭露这个市长的受贿丑闻。 He wrote a letter to the Public Security Organ to disclose the mayor's scandal of taking bribes.
- 肮脏的教室是学校的耻辱。 The dirty classrooms are a disgrace to the school.
- 这些肮脏的墙壁是学校的耻辱。 The dirty walls are a disgrace to the school.
- 那条肮脏的街道令人作呕。 The dirty street was disgusting.
- 大约30年后,警察的正直和诚实程度再次受到公众的质疑。尤其是在洛杉矶市,这里的警察局刚刚因为其防卫处的一桩受贿丑闻而受到打击。 Almost 30 years later,police honesty and integrity are again being called into question,most recently in Los Angeles,where the police department is trying to recover from a serious corruption scandal in its Rampart Division.
- 在说到肮脏的昆虫时他举苍蝇为例。 He instanced the fly as a dirty insect.
- 大约30年后,警察的正直和诚实程度再次受到公众的质疑。 尤其是在洛杉矶市,这里的警察局刚刚因为其防卫处的一桩受贿丑闻而受到打击。 Almost 30 years later, police honesty and integrity are again being called into question, most recently in Los Angeles, where the police department is trying to recover from a serious corruption scandal in its Rampart Division.