- 法庭午餐时间休庭. The court will adjourn for lunch.
- 法庭午餐时间休庭。 The court will adjourn for lunch.
- 午餐时间法庭休庭。 The court adjourned for lunch.
- 午餐时间他还在工作。 He worked on right through lunchtime.
- 午餐时间 lunchtime
- 休庭 adjournment
- 法庭周末休庭。 The court recessed for the weekend.
- 在有效管理研讨会的午餐时间,玛克辛和爱德华在交谈。 Maxine and Edward get talking over lunch at a seminar on effective management.
- 早午餐 brunch
- 法庭将休庭一小时。 The court will be adjourned for an hour.
- 整个午餐时间,他都在滔滔不绝地讲一名女演员和一名主教之间滑稽的故事。 He spent the whole lunchtime telling this interminable shaggy dog story about an actress and a bishop.
- 法院休庭,给予公诉方找到迷失的证人的时间。 The court adjourn to allow the prosecution time to find the missing witness.
- 法庭自星期五休庭至星期一。 The court adjourned from Friday until Monday.
- 午餐时间,办公室不开门。 The office is closed during the lunch hours or at lunchtimes.
- 法庭正再休庭中? The court is in recess.
- 我没耽误你的午餐时间吗? Have I been keeping you from your lunch?
- 法庭休庭日 [法] dies non
- 你能在午餐休息时间走开吗? Can't you get away during your lunch break?
- 一小时午餐时间 a one-hour lunch break
- 法庭休庭半。 The court is in recess.