- 查看文件夹必须被指定. A Watch Folder must be specified.
- 查看文件夹必须被指定。 A Watch Folder must be specified.
- 渲染文件夹必须被指定. A Render Folder must be specified.
- 查看 see
- 指定 appoint
- 查看文件夹的内容,导航到当前文件夹中的文件夹,以及选择希望运行的报表。 View the contents of a folder, navigate to folders within the current folder, and select the reports you want to run.
- 指定的 appointed
- 最低子文件夹的上面一层父文件夹必须存在。 The immediate parent folder of the lowest subfolder must exist.
- 被称为 go by the name of
- 被认为 be deemed to
- 查看文件夹层次结构中的共享数据源项。 View shared data source items in the folder hierarchy.
- 被发现 come to light
- 工作名称必须被指定. A job name must be specified.
- 视图(视图:通过将信息以不同的排列和格式放置,视图为您提供多种方式来查看文件夹中同样的信息。 Views (view: Views give you different ways to look at the same information in a folder by putting it in different arrangements and formats.
- 为了确保用户可以向已启用邮件的公用文件夹发送电子邮件,公用文件夹必须至少为匿名帐户授予CreateItems访问权限。 To ensure that users can send e-mail to a mail-enabled public folder, the public folder must have at least the CreateItems access right granted to the Anonymous account.
- HighMAT CD写入技术提供了更好、更方便地查看文件夹的方法,按一下DVD播放机的遥控器即可访问。 HighMAT CD writing offers better, easier navigation with folders you can access with a single click of a DVD players remote control.
- 史密斯先生被指定为警察局长。 Mr. Smith was tapped for police commissioner.
- 他的视网膜脱落了,他必须被送进手术室。 His retina detached and he had to be rushed into surgery.
- 若要确保用户可以将电子邮件发送到已启用邮件的公用文件夹,公用文件夹必须至少有对匿名帐户授予的CreateItems访问权限。 To ensure that users can send e-mail messages to a mail-enabled public folder, the public folder must have at least the CreateItems access right granted to the Anonymous account.
- 在“名片”视图(视图:通过将信息以不同的排列和格式放置,视图为您提供多种方式来查看文件夹中同样的信息。 In Contacts, in Business Cards view (view: Views give you different ways to look at the same information in a folder by putting it in different arrangements and formats.