- 教义问答集. Series of such questions,used for religious instruction
- 问答集 catechism
- 常见问答集 FAQ
- 威斯敏斯特教义问答 Westminster Catechism
- 你懂得《教义问答手册》吗? Dost know thy catechism?
- 合集 union
- 教义问答 catechism
- 分集 diversity
- 教义问答书 catechism
- 歌集 songbook
- 教义问答手册以问答形式简要说明基督教的基本教义的书 A book giving a brief summary of the basic principles of Christianity in question-and-answer form.
- 并集 union of set
- 群集 throng
- 教义问答手册 carritch
- 反对新教义的运动 a jihad against a new doctrine
- 产业集群 industry cluster
- 常见问答 frequently asked questions
- 杂集 miscellany
- 伊斯兰教教义 Muslim theology
- 字集 character set