- 患了严重的腹泻. have a bad attack of diarrhoea
- 由于受了这一伤害,他患了严重的头痛病。医生建议他休息。 He suffered severe headaches as a result of this injury, and his doctor recommended a rest.
- 雪上加霜的是,她患了严重的呼吸道疾病,而又没有医疗保险。 To make things worse,she came down with a serious case of respiratory problem for which she had no medical insurance coverage.
- 他患了极广泛而严重的湿疹,遍及大部份躯干、面部和头皮,并且有显着的瘙痒症。 He suffered from a very extensive and severe eczema involving most of the body, face, and scalp, associate with marked pruritus.
- 严重的 fearful
- 他俩都患了严重的流感。 They're both down with a nasty bout of influenza
- 隔天她也睡着了,但是当她醒来时,感到非常疼痛,并有严重的腹泻,情形很糟。 The next night she also slept, but when she awoke she had terrible pain and severe diarrhea. She was in an awful state.
- 在未作防护参与早期的原子试验后,许多军人患了放射病。 Many soldiers suffered radiation sickness after being present, without protection, at the early atomic tests.
- 当时,许多医院内的病人都死于痢疾,这种病常会导致严重的腹泻。 Many people in the hospital died from dysentery, a disease associated with terrible diarrhea.
- 他近来一直诉说自己患了失眠和头痛症。 Lately he has been moaning about his insomnia and headache.
- 他脚踝受了严重的扭伤。 He got a foot sprain in his ankle.
- 嗯,让我量量尼的体温,看看你的喉咙。是的,你的确患了感冒,吃点药就好了。 Well, let me take your temperature and have a look at your throat. Yes, you do have the flu. Just take some medicine.
- 雨水过量造成了严重的水灾。 An excess of rain caused severe floods.
- 以前他患过同样的腹泻,但从来没有这么严重过。 He previously had similar attacks of diarrhea but they were never so severe.
- 一位中年妇女患了心脏病,被送到医院。在手术过程中,她经历了神奇的临终体验。 A middle aged woman has a heart attack and is taken to the hospital. While on the operating table she has a near-death experience.
- 她感染上了严重的热病。 She has contracted a severe fever.
- 我得了严重的肺结核。 I came down with a bad case of tuberculosis.
- 这是个悲喜交加的时刻,只有她的家人和几个亲近的朋友知道:在这前一年英格利患了癌症。 It was a bitter sweet moment, only her family and few close friends knew that Engrid had been stricken with the cancer the year before.
- 霍乱的症状是严重的腹泻和呕吐。 The symptoms of the disease are severe diarrhea1 and vomiting.
- 如果大量劳动力都患了疟疾,这就会损害已经衰弱的经济。 If many members of the work force are ill with malaria, this further hurts the already weak economy.