- 总统提出了他的目标. The president made a statement of his aims
- 总统提出了他的目标。 The president made a statement of his aims.
- 当她进来后,带一个小灯泡天无树荫,他提出了他的优秀厌倦了眼睛,感慨很深. When she came in, carrying a small tin lamp without a shade, he raised his fine weary eyes and sighed very deeply.
- "怀特先生生病期间,他的大部分工作移交给了他的侄子。" "While Mr White was ill, most of his work devolved on his nephew."
- 总统提出了控制通货膨胀的最佳方案。 The President put forth his best plan for cutting down on in flation.
- 首相在电视广播中公布了他的政府的目标。 The Prime Minister set forth the aims of his government in a television broadcast .
- 记者们向总统提出了一连串问题。 The reporters fried away at the President.
- 他的目标是制造品质卓越并且可以供人们免费获取的软件。 His aim was to create high-quality software that was freely available to everybody.
- 1860年,一位名叫WilliamLow的英国人提出了一项更好的计划。 In1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low.
- 媒体向总统提出了一些关于最近丑闻的问题。 The press asked the President a battery of questions about the latest scandal.
- 在两年后的选举中,比尔?克林顿实现了他的目标, Bill Clinton gained his goal in the election two years later.
- 他可能向埃森豪威尔总统提出一些重要问题。 He is likely to raise a number of important questions with President Eisenhower.
- 最后他提出了他的试验计划。 Finally he brought forward his plan for the experiment.
- 他已要国务卿向总统提出申请,要求秘密会见。 He has asked the secretary of the state to apply to the president for a private interview.
- 现在他的目标更大了,他等不及增加他的奖牌数量了。 Now he's held the prize aloft, he can't wait to add to his medal tally.
- 提出了他的四合一说。 Martin Heidegger German philosophy- proposed his theory of.
- 1990年,乔治 - 布什总统提出了“美洲企业倡议”,其中一个目标是为西半球的自由贸易铺平道路。 And in 1990, President George Bush unveiled his Enterprise for the Americas Initiative, which would, among other things, pave the way for free trade throughout the Western hemisphere.
- 他卖掉了他的商店,并将这笔收入投资于计算机修理业。 He selled his shop and invest the proceeds in a computer repair business.
- 他向王室提出了他的全部要求。 He surrendered all claim to the throne.
- 这个人多少是个天才。他谨慎地提出了自己的观点。他为自己的观点提供了证据。 The man was something of a genius. He had made points carefully. Proof was given to support his views.