- 德国人做事的彻底精神. Teutonic thoroughness
- 许多人指出德国人和英国人做事有条不紊且组织分明。 Many people have noted that the Germans and English are both methodical and well-organized.
- 我耶和华是鉴察人心、试验人肺腑的,要照各人所行的和他做事的结果报应他。 I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve.
- 这些人做事心不在焉。 Their heads are in the clouds.
- 一些上好的白兰地是我们在二战期间从德国人手里夺来的。 Some fine brandy we had liberated from the Germans during World War II.
- 甚至和这样的寄养父母一起工作的人都对他们的彻底奉献精神感到惊奇。 Even those who work with such parents are amazed by the depth of their devotion.
- 给人方便而不磨人做事秉公而不偏私守持戒法而不妄为群处和睦而不怪僻。 Give people comfort and not distress. Work by the rules and without prejudice. Observe precepts and refrain from evil. Get along and don't be eccentric.
- 可是,去年来港旅游的德国人减少了15%,人数只有235,000名。 Unfortunately,the number of German visitors to Hong Kong last year was down by 15%25 to 235,000.
- 德国人多喉音的说话 the guttural speech of the Germans
- 她对不按她的要求做事的人十分不满. She's terribly down on people who don't do things her way.
- 说日尔曼语的人(特别是德国人)。 someone (especially a German) who speaks a Germanic language.
- 如果你用右手做大部分事情你就是习惯用右手做事的人。 If you do most things with your right hand,you are right handed.
- 德国人担心他们的排泄功能。 Germans worry about their excretory abilities.
- 德国人的生活方式也是这样。 The same is true of the way of living of the German.
- 一个人有无智慧,往往体现在做事的方法上。借用别人的智慧助己成功,也是一条成功之道。 Whether a man is wise or not usually lies upon his way of doing things. One peculiar avenue to success is to avail oneself of others'resources.
- 德国人和法国人 the Germans and the French
- 她嫁给了一位德国人。 She married a German.
- 德国人在这种事情上是很精明的。 Germans are very good at that.
- 全然不对德国人的胃口! Poor pap for German digestion!
- 他的生身父母是德国人。 He was born of/to German parents.