- 垃圾箱塞满了(垃圾). The dustbin is chock-full (of rubbish).
- 垃圾箱塞满了(垃圾). The dustbin is chock-full (of rubbish).
- 垃圾箱塞满了. The dustbin is chock-full .
- 学生头脑里给塞满了太多的具体知识。 Students were overloaded with facts.
- 我必须将那些抽屉整理一下,几年来里面塞满了零星的东西。 I must clear out those drawers; they're full of odds and sods accumulated over the years.
- 我在佛州的家看上去像一个大学公寓,到处塞满了东西。 According to Sandy, I tend to like a neutral palette with the primary color red as an accent.
- 下水道塞满了垃圾。 The sewer was gorged with rubbish
- 储藏室塞满了家具。 The storeroom was choked with furniture.
- 小橱里塞满了旧的钓鱼用具。 The cupboard was stuffed with old fishing tackle.
- 垃圾箱塞满了(垃圾)。 The dustbin is chock-full (of rubbish).
- 钢管里塞满了脏物。 The steel tubes were clogged with dirty matters.
- 汽车和电车塞满了整条街。 Cars and trolleys filled the streets.
- 车尾行李箱里塞满了东西。一点空隙都没有了。 The trunk is chock-full. There is no more room.
- 管子里塞满了脏物。 The pipes were clogged with rubbish.
- 他把口袋都塞满了糖果。 He crammed as much candy into his pockets as they would hold.
- 锯齿间塞满了锯末。 The teeth of the saw were clogged with sawdust.
- 床垫里塞满了羽毛、棉花或草。 Mattress are filled with feathers, cotton, or straw.
- 今天上午路上又塞满了车辆。 The road was chock-a-block with cars again this morning.
- 这个房间塞满了无用的旧家具。 The room was chocked up with use-less old furniture.
- 他的大脑里塞满了恐惧。 Fear clogged her mind; The story was clogged with too many details.