- 削减 to cut down
- 进口税 customs duties
- 大幅度地削减 meat-ax
- 削减进口税. Raise tariff barriers against foreign goods
- 下一年度的预算将大幅度削减。 Next year's budget will have to be drastically pruned.
- 抱怨新的进口税 to moan over a new import tax
- 消费者欢迎削减肉价。 The consumers welcomed the slash in meat prices.
- 保护性进口税 protective import duty
- 政府将削减福利项目。 The government is going to trim welfare programs.
- 如果我们提高他们货物的进口税,他们可能向我们报复。 If we raise our import duties on their goods,they may retaliate against us.
- 费用的削减 abridgement of expenses
- 征进口税 To tax imports
- 学校预算大幅度削减。 The school budgets trimmed back considerably.
- 削减防务费 whack defense expenditures
- 我们被要求削减预算。 We were asked to pare down our budget.
- 许多人反对预算削减。 Many people protested the budget cuts.
- 削减过的价格 a cut price
- 好几个部门的预算都要削减。 The budgets of several departments will require pruning.
- 削减部分费用 to abate part of the cost
- 他主张削减军费开支。 He advocates reducing military spending.