- 他的房间总是凌乱不堪. His room is always in a clutter.
- 他的房间总是凌乱不堪。 His room is always in a clutter.
- 但是无论他怎样做,壁虎也总是有办法进入他的房间。 But no matter what he did, somehow the lizard always got into his room.
- 她的房间总是乱七八糟的,连个下脚的地方都没有 "Her room is always at sixes and sevens, even without room to swing a cat.in"
- 他老是乱扔旧杂志,弄得房间凌乱不堪。 He's always litteringup the room with his old magazines.
- 她担心可能在他的房间里找不到他。 She feared that she might not find him in his room.
- 他轻轻地吹着口哨,眼睛环视着凌乱不堪的家具。 He whistled softly, surveying the mess of disarranged furniture.
- 只因为我的新书包和他的一模一样,他就说我学他的样。 He called me a copycat just because my schoolbag looks like his.
- 她的房间总是乾净整洁。 Her room is always clean and tidy.
- 遍地是淋湿了的稻草,被旅客和小马倌们踢得凌乱不堪。 The place was littered with wet straw that had been kicked about by travelers and stable-boys.
- 他的房间有二十个平方米。 His room is twenty square metres.
- 他驾船驶进敌人港口攻击敌舰,大家对他的勇敢都很钦佩。 All admired his boldness in sailing into an enemy harbor to attack their ships.
- 哪里哪里她的房间总是乱七八糟的,连个下脚的地方都没有。 Her room is always at sixes and sevens, even without room to swing a cat in.
- 他的房间是我的房间三倍大。 His room is thrice the size of mine.
- 你的房间总是乱七八糟。 Your room is always in a mess.
- 这位年老的插图画家从不让他的学生受到万物有情谬想的感染,认为空桶是孤独的。 The old illustrator never let his pupils fall for the pathetic fallacy, that empty barrels are lonely.
- 律师向那位证人提出一连串问题,想要把他的头脑搞乱。 The lawyer shot one question after another at the witness in an effort to confuse him.
- 这两间屋子没有什么家具,凌乱不堪,我房间那扇窗户的帘子是系在一把叉子上的。 The rooms were excessively bare and disorderly, and the curtain to my window was fastened up with a fork.
- 她的房间总是又脏又乱,她母亲不得不反复让她打扫。 Her mother had to keep after her to clean her bedroom,which was always a mess.
- 萨利先生总是滔滔不绝地大谈他的人生哲学。 Mr. Sally is always spouting his philosophy of life.