- 他的事务所位於市中心. His practice is in the centre of the city.
- 是否可建议一家位於市中心的旅馆? Could you recommend a hotel in the city center?
- 是否可建议一家位於市中心的旅馆? Can you recommend a hotel in the city center?
- 她要求到他的事务所里找一份工作,但他当即拒绝了。 She asked him for employment in his office but he refused it at a word.
- 布伦达的志向是当一名主管,但我的抱负要比他的大一点。 John hitched his wagon to a start and decided to try to become President.
- 他的事务所在北京市中心。 His office is at the center of Peking.
- 他的工资一经扣除了所得税和保险金,能拿回家的也就不多了。 His pay isn't much to take home once it has had tax and insurance payments docked off.
- 巴比特在火车站和他告别后,回到自己的事务所,发现少了保罗,他面前的世界失去了意义。 After saying good-bye to him at the station, Babbitt returned to his office to realize that he faced a world which, without Paul, was meaningless.
- 他的房子位於半岛的顶端。 His house is located on the tip of the peninsula.
- 他把父亲留给他的钱半数投放在这种低级的冒险事业上。 In this particular tin-pot venture he'd sunk half the sum left him by his father.
- 他的父母雇了一位家庭教师教他数学。 His parents employed a tutor to teach him mathematics.
- 在当时,威廉·阿·平克顿作为侦探和他的事务所,是声誉卓著的。 At that time, the reputation of William A. Pinkerton, of detective fame, and of his agency was great.
- 这位伟大的领袖就在国家需要他的时候上台了。 This great leader came on the scene just when his country needed him.
- 这位艺术家渴望他的天才得到承认。 The artist craved recognition of his talents.
- 哦,说到这个善良的恶魔,他终于给他的事务所起好名子了。这可花去他不少时间。想知道吗? Oh, speaking of a kind devil, he fanally decided on a name for his shop. It took him quite a while to pick one. Wanna know the name?
- 他的公司,他的运作与他的两个兄弟,将很快破土动工了假日酒店,在市中心孟菲斯。 His company, which he operates with his two brothers, will soon break ground on a Holiday Inn in downtown Memphis.
- 他的财产包括公司的股票和位於伦敦的房子 His assets include shares in the company and a house in London
- 他的事务所取名为“MAD”,寓意“疯狂”,参与过很多城市的设计竞赛,许多因方案的大胆新奇而没人相信这些建筑能盖起来。 And his studio, oddly named MAD, has participated in many competitions with a number of original projects, most of which went way too bold and edgy to convince the people with their feasibility and failed to win out.
- 这位年老的插图画家从不让他的学生受到万物有情谬想的感染,认为空桶是孤独的。 The old illustrator never let his pupils fall for the pathetic fallacy, that empty barrels are lonely.
- 他的财产包括公司的股票和位於伦敦的房子. His assets included shares in the company and a house in London.