- 一字以c字母开始. At' starts with(a)C/'C'.cat
- ann一字以A字母开始。 'Ann' begins with (an) 'A'.
- joker一字以j字母开始. 'Joker' begins with (a) J/'J'.
- London一字以L字母开始. 'London' begins with (an) L/'L'.
- c字母在city一字中发软音而在cat一字中发硬音. C is soft in 'city' and hard in 'cat'.
- Nicholas一字以N字母开始. 'Nicholas' begins with (an) N/'N'.
- 字 letter
- 字母 letter
- 乘以 multiply ... by ...
- 八字 character 8
- 全字匹配 match whole word only
- 我们从学习字母开始。 We learned the alphabet as a starting point.
- 他原来一字不识,后来学了一点文化。 An illiterate, later he received some schooling.
- king字以k字母开始. 'King' begins with (a) K/'K'
- 音乐会以莫扎特的一首四重奏曲开始。 The concert began with a Mozart quartet.
- 木柄一字螺丝刀 slotted screwdriver with wooden handle
- 每字费用七角,不满十个字以十个字计费。 The charges are 70 cents per word with a minimum of ten words.
- 每一字每一句都带着对孩子的深切叮咛。 Every word and every phrase can be an encouragement and exhortation to his son.
- 孩子背诵这篇课文一字不差。 The child's recitation of the text was letter-perfect.
- 实践是成功的关键字以吉他演奏家。 Practice is the keyword in order to be a successful guitar player.