- 一卷地毯、胶卷、布. A roll of carpet,film,cloth
- 一卷地毯/胶卷 a roll of carpet/film
- 一卷地毯 a roll of carpet
- 我有一卷彩色胶卷。请把它冲洗一下,并且每张底片各印一张照片。 I have get a roll of colored film. Please develop it and make one print each exposure.
- 一卷 hank
- 一匹有一定长度的,尤指当其从织机上卸下来时的一卷布 A large roll of cloth of a definite length, especially as it comes from the loom.
- 我一卷新胶卷装入照相机。 I put a new reel of film in my camera.
- <现代史>的最后一卷写到伟大的十月社会主义革命的前夕。 The last volume of Modern History goes down to the eve of the Great October Socialist Revolution.
- 一卷布 bolt
- 第一卷付印时下面的一卷才构思好。 The sequel had been merely blocked out when the first volume went to press.
- 一卷呢绒, 成卷的一匹布 a roll of cloth
- 我买了一卷照相胶卷。 I bought a roll of film for a camera.
- 一卷邮票准备用于自动售货机的一卷邮票 A roll of postage stamps prepared for use in a vending machine.
- 一卷布[纸] a roll of cloth [paper]
- 我要买一卷快速胶卷。 I'll buy a faster film for my camera.
- 覆盖着感光胶剂的一卷赛璐珞;用作底片或幻灯片。 a base of celluloid covered with a photographic emulsion; used to make negatives or transparencies.
- 请给我买一卷胶卷。 Please buy a roll of film for me.
- 用于修饰或说明信号或数据的拷贝,从一卷磁带转录到另一卷磁带。 Pertaining to the copying of signals, or data, from one reel of tape to another.
- 洗一卷胶卷 Develop a roll of film
- 珍妮:我要买一卷录音带,一些粘胶和浆糊,一个订书机和一把剪刀。 Jane: I'm going to get a tape, some glue or paste, a stapler and a pair of scissors.