- To form a habit of reading and writing book report. 养成定期阅读并做读书报告的习惯。
- He's no slouch when it comes to writing books. 要说到写书他可是行家里手。
- The part of Canada in the writing book International press law. 正在编辑中的《国际新闻法律文件汇编》中有加拿大部分。
- Raoul: Then go and write books now. 那你现在就回去写作吧。
- Buying book, reading book, writing book, book is their durable fashion clothes and cosmetic. 买书、读书、写书,书是她们经久耐用的时装和化妆品。
- The old professor employed much of his time in writing books. 这位老教授把许多时间用于著书。
- She supplements her ordinary income by writing books. 她著书以增加收入。
- He supplements his ordinary income by writing books. 他以编写书籍来增加日常的收入。
- Some teachers supplement their ordinary income by writing books. 有些老师著书以增加日常 收入.
- In general I write books, but sometimes I contribute to the newspaper. 一般情况下我写书,但有时我也给报社投稿。
- The professor is presently writing a book. 这位教授目前正在写一本书。
- He writes books, but the theatre is his favourite medium. 他写书,但他最喜爱的艺术表现形式是戏剧。
- I m glad to know that you d been working on an ispiring, well written book of Yu-Sen Lin. 我很高兴知道你在读林裕森先生〈城堡里的珍酿〉这本书。
- Reading and writing are different skills. 阅读与写作是不同的技能。
- From now on, I will begin to write my book. 从现在起,我将开始写我的书了。
- I make most of my money by writing books but I do contribute to magazines sometimes . 部分钱是靠写书赚的,不过我有时也向杂志投稿。
- I make most of my money by writing books but I do contribute to magazines sometimes. 部分钱是靠写书赚的,不过我有时也向杂志投稿。
- The book is used to teach us how to write. 这本书教我们如何写作。
- I make most of my money by writing books but I do contribute to the magazine sometimes. 我的钱大部分是写书赚来的,但有时也给杂志社投稿。
- He also wrote books so that doctors could learn about new treatments. 他也写书,为的是能够让医生们学习新的治疗方法。