- He is fishing for information by a letter of inquiry. 他写信询问,希望打听一下消息。
- The field of inquiry has narrowed down to five people. 调查的范围已经缩小到只剩5个人了。
- The police showed him the writ of search before entering the house. 警察进屋前,给他出示了搜查令。
- My letter of inquiry brought no response. 我去信询问,却没有得到回音。
- He is a member of the commission of inquiry. 他是调查委员会的成员。
- She turned to me with a look of inquiry. 她带著询问的神色转向我。
- The police are following several lines of inquiry. 警方正沿几条线索进行调查.
- Please read this record of inquiry. 请看一下询问笔录。
- Supineness and dogmatism take the place of inquiry. 教条主义取代了本应有的疑问。
- They used various modes of inquiry to get the data. 他们采用了种种调查方式来获取数据。
- English: Timeout while waiting for end of inquiry. 等候查询结束逾时。
- A grand and almost untrodden field of inquiry will be opened. 一片广大而尚无人迹的研究领域将被开辟。
- She has read all the writings of Shakespeare. 她读过莎士比亚的全部着作。
- ENIGMA 2 elevated its line of inquiry to metaphysical heights. 《谜2》则把这种探索提升到了形而上学的高度。
- The write of this book is Polish. 这本书的作家是位波兰人。
- writ of inquiry [法] 评定损害赔偿数额调查令
- I fished for information by sending a letter of inquiry. 我发出询问函设法探听消息。
- Supreme Court: appeal by writ of certiorari and appeal as of right. 虽然代理人在仲裁中代表当事人,但不需要记录。
- He speculated on the reform of the methods of inquiry. 他提出改革研究方法的意见。
- Peter wrote of his adventures in the war every week. 彼得每星期都写他在战争中的冒险经历。