- working face locomotive 采掘面机车
- This enabled them to run transport cars right up to the work face. 这使他们能把运煤车一直开到工作面。
- Stripper face must extend 1/8” below working face of punch. 脱料板下表面至少比冲子工作面高出1/8”。
- All coal was moved from the work face by electrically-driven conveyors. 所有的煤都用电动传送带从工作面运出来。
- Its range had the larger outstand to outboard working face under the condition of injecting grouts in separate layers. 离层带注浆时的覆岩破坏形态和范围向工作面外侧突出较大。
- Accumulated water of 12206 working face having been dug completely is menacing mining of 12208 working face. 12206工作面采空区积水对12208工作面的采掘生产构成一定威胁。
- The experience of water danger reclamation in synclinal axis illustrating at T312 working face is introduced. 介绍了T312工作面向斜轴部水患治理的经验。
- The join way of scraper coveyor cable pan using in mechanize working face is designed into fixtureless join way. 将机械化采煤工作面刮板输送机电缆槽之间的联接,设计成无紧固件的联接方式。
- The water-inrush from floor inundates Working face 51101W in Liangzhuang coal mine,Xinwen Mining Group. 新汶矿业集团良庄煤矿51101W工作面因底板突水导致工作面被淹。
- Introduce a pressure characteristic of working face with the usage of hydraulic breaking-off prop. 介绍切顶支柱使用情况下的工作面矿压特性,分析切顶支柱对顶板管理的作用。
- Scraper conveyor is the main conveying equipment in coal mine,has important affect to whole working face. 刮板输送机是煤矿生产的重要运输设备,对于整个工作面的安全生产起着至关重要的作用。
- Generally, the gas effuse amonnt in dig working face in mine relates to the gas fountain quantity. 淮北矿业集团公司石台煤矿对3422掘进工作面采取了瓦斯综合治理措施,达到了预想的效果。
- The water irruption flooding on the working face of 1000m deep shaft was not found in China,also was rare in the world. 竖井千米深处工作面突水淹井,国内没有先例,国际罕见。
- I change coverall, carry miner's lamp on the back, go toward 612 teams working face alone. 我换上工作服,背上矿灯,独自往612队工作面走去。
- Excavate coal is primary production link in coal mine production, therefor, Weaving excavate coal working face supersedure plan has instructional meaning. 采煤是煤矿生产中的主要生产环节,因而编制采煤工作面接替计划对煤矿生产具有指导性意义。
- Saving the mixing and solidifying time, the new type of mechanical anchoring bolt can greatly improve the construction speed of roadway of fully mechanized working face. 同树脂锚杆相比,新型机械锚杆节省了安装、搅拌树脂和等待树脂凝固时间,大大提高了综采工作面巷道施工速度。
- How to Bring Forth New Ideas for Archival Work Facing Knowledge Enterpris? 面对知识企业构建,档案工作如何创新?
- Based on bolting gateway of the No. 13221 working face in Wannian Coal Mine, thispaper analyzed the laws of strata movment. 以万年煤矿13221工作面下顺槽锚杆支护煤巷为例,分析研究了受采动影响的锚杆支护煤巷的变形规律。
- The installation and backout of the integrated excavated working face has not only much workload, but also a lot of dangers. 综采工作面安装、拆除不仅工作量大,而且安全风险大;