- widmanstatten microstructure 魏氏组织
- Microstructure of Steels and Cast Irons. 钢与铸铁的显微组织。
- Its microstructure is fine pearlite and carbides. 它的微观结构是细珠光体和碳化物。
- Microstructure evaluation for the samples. 显微镜观察评估样品。
- The results show that the banded ferrite structure,widmanstatten structure,dendritical microstructure and nonmetallic inclusion which decreasing the toughness of the steel cause the brittle fracture. 结果表明,宏观断口为脆性断裂,金相组织不仅有回火索氏体,还包含不应有的带状铁素体、魏氏体组织及明显的枝状晶和非金属夹杂物,从而导致钢的韧性降低。
- Diffraction Analysis of the Microstructure of Materials. 材料显微组织衍射分析。
- The microstructure has been studied using SEM, EDS and XRD. 用扫描电镜(SEM)、能谱(EDS)和X射线衍射(XRD)测试其微观结构。
- The microstructure and morphology of single polymer chain. 单个高分子链的结构和形态。
- The microstructure of the Nidoped SiC is studied in detail. 同时还分析了镍的存在方式及其相结构。
- The metallographical structure of the pipes become widmanstatten, and its mechanical properties are dropped notably. 管材的金相组织转变为魏氏组织,使其机械性能显著降低。
- Steel specimens were thermally simulated to form needle ferrite,lath ferrite and widmanstatten structure. 采用热模拟方法,模拟不同形态的针状铁素体、板条状铁素体和魏氏组织的试样,测定试样的断裂参量。
- It is resulted Widmanstatten structure,inclusion and banded structure are mainly reasons causing impact property lowness. 结果表明,钢中魏氏体组织、非金属夹杂物及带状组织是导致冲击性能偏低的主要原因。
- Homogeneous microstructure which is most suitable for the etching process. 组织均匀,最适用于精密蚀花加工。
- Fina a way to analyze the microstructure of the heavily deformed wire. 寻找分析钢丝绳深度变形的显微组织的方法。
- Microstructure of working layer in the barrel: pearlite or tempered sorbite. 辊身工作层金相组织为:珠光体或回火索氏体。
- And microstructure of cement paste is also observed by SEM technology. 同时,还应用sem对混合水泥硬化浆体的微观结构进行了观察。
- The fracture is mainly caused by the lower hardness and strength which resulted from the Widmanstatten structure existing in the structure of the spline shaft. 花键轴的显微组织中存在魏氏组织,导致其硬度和强度低于技术要求,是造成花键轴断裂的根本原因。
- The relationship among FCP rate, crack path and microstructure was discussed. 本文还对上述合金的疲劳裂纹扩展速率的变化规律与它的显微组织,断口形貌及疲劳裂纹扩展形态之间的关系进行了探讨。
- The results show that the appearance of Widmanstatten structure,upper bainite and martensite in the structure of 20MnSi HRB is the main cause making the yield point disappear. 结果表明,魏氏组织较多、轧制缺陷及夹杂物过多是造成脆断的主要原因,并提出了相应的解决措施。
- The microstructure and phase of the composite were tested with SEM and XRD. 应用SEM和XRD分析了复合材料显微组织和物相结构。