- Where a securities firm violates provisions to entrust other unit or individual to undertake activities of client solicitation, client service or product sale. (一)违反规定委托其他单位或者个人进行客户招揽、客户服务或者产品销售活动;
- The present law makes no provision for this. 现行的法律对此未作任何规定。
- The intention of the provision is clear. 那条款的含义是清楚的。
- Anyone who violates law and discipline must firmly be slapped down. 对于任何违法乱纪的人都必须坚决予以打击。
- violates provision 违反条款
- The provision of specialist teachers is being increased. 配备专业教员的人数有所增加。
- They are making provision for their children's education. 他们正为孩子的教育做准备。
- Provision of shelter is their main concern for the disaster victim. 为灾民提供避难处是他们最关切的事。
- He did not make any provision for his children's education. 他没为孩子的教育作任何准备。
- Both the Leasor and Leasee may add articles to the contract in writing as supplementary articles.But it is forbidden to violate provisions of related rules and policies, or violate the fair principle. 承、租双方可对本合同内容以书面形式予以增加、细化做为补充条款,但不得违反有关法规及政策规定,不得违反公平原则。
- It violates the rules of nature. 这违反自然法则。
- The country violates the international agreements. 那个国家违背了国际协议。
- Inferior man violates the penal code. 小人犯刑
- Relativity violates common sense. 相对论违背人们的常识。
- Out of the profit, the company have retain50,000 as provision against bad debt. 公司从利润中留出50000英镑以对付呆(坏)帐。
- Anyone who violates the law may be put behind bars. 任何人犯法,就得坐牢。
- The company had make a $2m provision for bad debt. 公司拿出200万美元以应付呆账的发生。
- A tying arrangement violates antitrust laws. 搭配销售安排违反了反垄断法律。
- A country will not be respected if it violates. 一个国家如果不遵守国际协议就不会受到尊重。
- No provision was made against England aggression. 对于英国的侵略毫无防备。