- velours frise uni 纯色毛圈绒
- velours frise 毛圈丝绒
- Velour provides extra softness and size. 丝绒质地更加柔软,尺寸也更大。
- I like bread , cake and French frise. 我喜欢面包、蛋糕和炸薯条。
- The wine body is rich, and flexible as velours. 酒体丰满,如天鹅绒般柔顺。
- Snoopy likes eat French Frise very much. 在这句话当中,那里错了,怎么改?
- Boxes are available in plush velour and non-velour. 包装盒有豪华绒缎和非绒缎两种可供选择。
- Other dogs in the running were the miniature schnauzer and bichon frise. 参与角逐的,还有迷你雪纳瑞比熊犬。
- A sporty look in soft cotton velour to pair with the pants for casual comfort. 运动版纯棉天鹅绒上衣,休闲而不是风度,为今季流行元素之一。
- The overstuffed leather seat and soft velour upholstery are all brand new. 那又软又厚的皮革制座椅及其丝绒软垫都是新的。
- The Christmas is coming, I made a Ginger Bread Man by using velour fabric. 圣诞节快到了,我用剪毛布做了这个姜饼人娃娃。
- Other dogs in the running were the miniature schnauzer, bichon frise, and Chinese crested. 参与评选的其它犬种包括迷你雪纳瑞、卷毛狮子犬和中国冠毛犬。
- It's hard to keep a straight face when your ankles are being snapped at by a Bichon Frise and a miniature schnauzer. 哪怕你的脚踝是被法国卷毛狗或德国雪纳瑞抓了,你也难以保持绅士风度了。
- As the wedding march was played, 2 white Bichon Frise wearing gorgeous dresses walked up the red carpet. 伴着结婚进行曲,两只白色的比熊犬身穿鲜艳的礼服走上红地毯。
- When the loops have been sheared off on one side, the fabric is known as velour. 把一边的小圈圈全部剪掉的面料就叫做丝绒。
- The white, fluffy, curly(frise is French for "curly")coat of the Bichon takes a good deal of daily care. 该犬被毛蓬松如绒,洁白如玉,性格温顺,聪明机警,且适应性强,是相当出色的玩赏犬。被毛常需仔细梳理,清洗和修剪,颇费时间。
- Put frise lettuce on blinis, add mustard mayonnaise sauce and smoked turkey breast on. 先放上九芽菜于小麦饼上,再放上少许酱料,上面摆上烟火鸡胸薄片。
- It easily seats six people. It comes with a special velour interior,cruise control and a variety of other features. 它可以轻易坐六个人,它的个特别的天鹅绒内面,省油速度控制器和其它种种特色。
- It shows a complex mint-spice nose with a mouthful of fruit and a velour of tannins. Delicious with cheese souffle, pizza, a meat fondue, red meat. 它显示一个复杂薄菏香料与水果及单宁的丝滑结合。可口用乳酪蛋白牛奶酥,薄饼,肉涮制菜肴,红肉。
- Cataracts in the Bichon Frise are a newly revealed major problem and research into the mode of inheritance is being done at the University of Florida. 白内障是被最新发现的主要问题,佛罗里达大学正在进行遗传模式的研究。