- The object of value distribution is not wealth bwt value. 价值分配的对象是价值,不是财富。
- In chapter 1, we briefly introduce the value distribution theory of meromorphic function. 第一章, 扼要介绍亚纯函数值分布理论的主要概念、基本结果和常用记号。
- In chapter one,we state a few usual notations, definitions and basic results in value distribution theory of meromorphic function . 第一章,我们给出本文所要用到的一些亚纯函数值分布理论的方面的基础知识,常用记号和一些基本结果。
- Using the value distribution theory of meromorphic,this paper considers the unicity problem for meromorphics and some known results are generalized. 应用亚纯函数值分布理论;研究了亚纯函数的唯一性问题;对以往的一些结果进行了一种推广.
- Conclusion The result has important theory significance for control system stability, characteristic value distribution, and system of linear equations iterative solution. 结论此结果对于控制系统的稳定性、特征值分布、线性方程组迭代解等方面都具有重要的理论意义。
- The low numerical value distribution of these two types trace elements in the Aeolian sand facies represents erosion and accumulation under wind force during the cold-dry climate. 这两种类型元素在风成沙中呈现的含量低值揭示了其时干旱寒冷气候作用下风力的侵蚀搬运与堆积作用;
- Lechner J A, Simiu E, Heckert N A. Assessment of "Peaks Over Threshold" method for estimating extreme value distribution tail[J]. Structural Safety. 1993, 12(?): 305-314. 段忠东;欧进萍等.;极值风速的最优概率模型[J];土木工程学报;录用待发表
- The mean value distribution properties of acting on the dual Smarandache Ceil function by the Dirichlet divisor function is the second problem of this thesis. 第二个问题,研究了Dirichlet 除数函数作用于对偶Smarandache Ceil函数的均值分布性质。
- The stress result conformed to the extreme value distribution, and it also manifested the randomicity of the stress produced by the wind load of tower under wind and ice storms. 得到的应力结果符合极值分布,同时也体现了塔设备在暴风雪下风载荷产生的应力的随机性。
- Using the theory and method of value distribution of meromorphic functions, the value distribution problem of meromorphic solutions to some systems of higher order non-linear algebraic differential equations is discussed. 摘要利用亚纯函数值分布理论及方法,研究了一类代数微分方程组允许解的值分布问题,得到了一个结果。
- With the Nevanlinna value distribution theory, this paper presents the studies of uniqueness of meromorphic functions sharing one value with weight.It is shown that some results of Yi H X is improved. 摘要应用亚纯函数的值分布理论,研究了以“权”分担一个值的亚纯函数及其导数的唯一性问题,所得到的结果改进了仪洪勋、杨重骏的一个定理,将有关的结论推广到了更一般的情形,从而也改进了先前的一些结果。
- Using the value distribution theory in several complex variables, we extend Malmquist type theorem of algebraic differential equation of Steinmetz to higher-order partial differential equations. 利用多复变值分布理论;我们将Steinmetz的代数微分方程的Malmquist型定理推广到复偏微分方程中.
- At the same time, it uses compound extreme value distribution (CEVD) theory to make possibility prediction for probable extreme sea level.In this way, prediction results are close to the real data. 同时采用复合极值分布理论对可能出现的极端潮位进行概率预测,使预测结果更为接近真实数值。
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- This paper believes that the technology talents should become the leader in the residual value distributing,because of the characteristic of human capital and differences. 从科技人才人力资本的产权特征和内在差异性入手,指出了科技人才参与剩余收益分配的主体地位。
- I set a high value on his advice. 我认为他的忠告很有价值。
- The value of your assistance is inestimable. 阁下鼎立相助之功不可胜言。
- I am doubtful about the value of your proposal. 我怀疑你的提议是否有价值。
- I can take nothing you say at face value. 我不会把你说的话当真的。
- The experience gained will be of great value to us. 所取得的经验对我们有很大价值。