- The scoundrel's crimes were too numerous to record. 这个歹徒罪行累累,罄竹难书。
- Use the chart below to record your results. 用下面的图表记录结果。
- Use this button to record a voice map. 利用这个按钮进行语音图谱的录制。
- Did you remember to record 'Friends' for me? 你记得为我录下电视节目《朋友》了吗?
- Listen to recordings that use altissimo. 多听一些应用高音域的录音作品.
- Locate the file that you want to record. 找到要记录的文件。
- To record for dictation or in a noisy place. 口述录音或在喧闹的地方录音。
- Insufficient disk space to record bad clusters. 磁盘空间不足以记录不正确的群集。
- Using the lenses to Record ordinary life. 用镜头记录日常的生活。
- Can I set Audacity to record at a certain time? 我可以设定Audacity在特定的时间开始录音吗?
- Did you listen to record last Sunday ? 上星期天你曾去听唱片吗?
- To record in or in the form of a historical record. 记录,记载记录或写进历史记录
- To record(a variable), as on a graph. 描记记录(一变量),如在图表上
- To record(data) on a storage device. 记录数据在贮存设备上记录(数据)
- Crushed, the old man quietly slips out of the hospital, but not before Rie gives him a videotape to watch. 短暂的中国之行充满了意外的经历和从未有过的生活体验,这一切都使高田对儿子健一的内心世界有了很深的理解,产生了强烈的父子共鸣。
- To record(the score) in various games. 记分在各种比赛中记录(分数)
- PREROLL The time (usually in seconds) it takes a videotape to get up to speed, i.e. 缓冲时间(preroll)实际是在动画回放前将动画和音频调入用户缓冲区所需的一段时间。
- To record (a variable), as on a graph. 描记:记录(一变量),如在图表上
- The price of oil plunged down to record lows. 油价突然降至历史新低。
- You need a CD-R drive to record onto CD-R discs. 你需要一个光驱来刻碟。