- The upper edge of the side of a vessel. 舷缘船只侧面的上部边缘
- The top part or upper edge of a sail. 船帆的上部或顶缘
- Text to display on the upper edge of the column. 显示在列的上边缘的文本。
- A spar attached to the mast and used to extend the upper edge of a fore-and-aft sail. 桅上斜杆,圆桁一种用于拉长纵帆上缘的系于桅杆上的圆木
- Determines the distance in pixels from the left or upper edge to the movable splitter bar. 确定从左边缘或上边缘到可移动拆分条的距离(以像素为单位)。
- The upper edge of the image is aligned with the upper edge of the highest element on the same line. 图像的上边缘与同一行上最高元素的上边缘对。
- The upper edge of the image is aligned with the upper edge of the highest text on the same line. 图像的上边缘与同一行上最高文本的上边缘对。
- Resistance is near 3750 at the upper edge of the long term GMMA group of averages. 阻力位在顾比复合移动平均线长期组平均值上边缘接近3750点处。
- The BMW kidney grille is slanted slightly to the front, its upper edge marking the foremost point on the body. 宝马肾脏格栅略微倾斜到前面,其上边缘标志着对身体最重要的一点。
- The composite also captures a pinkish prominence extending just beyond the upper edge of the eclipsed sun. 这张合成的照片也拍摄到了日全食太阳边缘喷射出的略带桃红色的日珥。
- The index must continue to cluster near the value of the upper edge of the short term GMMA averages. 指数接下来必须在顾比复合移动平均线短期组上边缘的数值附近反复活动。
- On the upper edge of the forest, smaller shrub-like trees begin to replace the tall, straight-trunked trees in the second heath zone. 在雨林区的边缘,灌木般的小树丛开始取代又高又直的树林。
- Numeric expression that specifies, in pixels, the distance of the upper edge of the dialog box from the top of the screen. 数值表达式,以缇为单位指定对话框的上边与屏幕上边的距离。
- To anchor an item in place, you can place the report item inside of a rectangle that has an upper edge above the lower edge of the table. 若要将项定位到合适的位置,您可以将报表项放在矩形内,该矩形的上边缘要在表的下边缘之上。
- A clear high altitude layer, visible along the dayside';s upper edge, scatters blue sunlight and fades into the blackness of space. 可以看到在白昼一侧上边缘有一层清晰的高纬度大气层,散射了太阳光中的蓝光,并向黑暗区域慢慢退去。
- The main surgical steps are as follows: Divide the levator aponeurosis from the upper edge of the superior tarsus or th... 结论采用异体巩膜移植延长上睑提肌腱膜或下睑缩肌,是修复外伤或手术后眼睑退缩的有效手术方法。
- This is also the upper edge of a longer term consolidation band, and also inside the long term group of Guppy Multiple Moving Averages . 这也是长期盘整带的上边缘所处的位置,并且位于顾比复合移动平均线长期组之内。
- The upper edge of spray near the nozzle would ignite first for its appropriate fuel concentration and higher temperature. 油孔附近的油束上边缘处具有合适的燃料浓度和较高的温度,最先发生自燃;
- A structure,especially one of masonry,forming the curved,pointed,or flat upper edge of an open space and supporting the weight above it,as in a bridge or doorway. 拱形结构,一种石造建筑结构,构成开放空间的弯曲的、有尖顶的或平坦的上边缘,支撑其上重量,如在桥或门上的。
- For example, when the cursor is 30 pixels from the upper edge, the text scrolls down at one line per second. At 15 pixels, the text scrolls at two lines per second, and so on. 例如,当光标距离上边界有30个像素的距离时,滚屏速度为每秒一行;当距离为15个像素时,滚屏速度就变成了每秒两行,依此类推。