- So, what are the unique functions? 是什么独特的功能呢?
- Harold: So, what are the unique functions? 哈洛德:是什么独特的功能呢?
- Mirror has a unique function,which is reflecting out the shadow in front. 镜子有一个独特的功能,那就是映射出其前面的影像。
- Metamerism ink is a new type, has a unique function envirogluvtm anti-false. 同色异谱油墨是一栽陈型的、具有不入格防伪功用的油墨。
- It has the unique function of sterilization &kill acarid by ultraviolet and ozone radiation. 具有紫外线杀菌功能,可高效驱除尘螨和细菌。
- Trehalose is a non-reducing disaccharide with unique functions of antifreezing and fine heat-resistance and stability. 海藻糖是一种非还原性双糖,具有独特的抗冷冻生物学功能和较好的耐热性和稳定性。
- Huaihai Shen Lu can not sell goods Mau construction, but its unique functions in a local alternative materials Mau. 淮海申路不可能再建造销品茂,但是,以它特有的功能形成了另类销品茂。
- I found a number of technologies that I believe have enabled me to create some freshness and unique functions. 我发现了一些技术,我相信,使我能够创造一些新鲜和独特的功能。
- Compa red with the other citation index in China, CMCI has some unique functions and higher recall ratio. 与国内其他综合性引文数据库相比,CMCI具有多种独特的功能和较高的查全率。
- Tracy: This special phone utilizes state-of-the-art technology to bring you several unique functions in addition to the call screening feature. 崔西:这个特殊的电话除了来电显示的特色外,还运用最新科技提供您几项独特的功能。
- This special phone utilizes state-of-the-art technology to bring you several unique functions in addition to the call screening feature. 这个特殊的电话除了来电显示的特色外,还运用最新科技提供您几项独特的功能。
- Such a unique function of "balance" determines that balance is most qualified to be first principle of the cosmos. “平衡”这种独有的“虚实”功用,决定了它最有资格担当宇宙本原。
- The suburbs Agroecosystem is a kind of ecosystem of distinctive regionalism and unique function. 城郊农业生态系统是一类区域性鲜明、功能独特的生态系统。
- Unique function:pine degreasing,timber colors change,timber modification,and releasing stress. e. 独特功能:具备松木脱脂;木材改色;材质改性;消除应力等特殊功能。
- Catchphrase, for its unique function and features, has now become a relatively independent section of applied language. 摘要广告语由于其独特的功能和特性,已成为应用语言里一个相对独立的部分。
- Adjacant analysis is one GIS unique functions and one of GIS privileges compared with other information systems as well. 邻近性分析是GIS特有的功能之一,也是GIS相对于其它信息系统的优势之一。
- This special phone utilizes the latest technology to bring you some unique functions in addition to the call screening function. 这个特殊的电话除了来电显示的特色外;还运用最新科技提供您几项独特的功能.
- Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.) druce has unique functions of nutrition and health as a medicine and food plant, and it has been received abroad attention in recent years. 玉竹作为一种药、食两用草本植物,具有独特的营养与保健功能,近几年来受到了人们的广泛关注。
- Indirect expressions are popular in the Dai society, and the change of the vowel position and the transferred meaning are the two ways which have their unique functions. 傣族社会,语言普遍使用间接表达形式,傣语间接表达形式有切语和转义两种方式。 傣语间接表达形式具有一般语言表达形式不可替代的特殊功能。
- This value is characterized as the unique function that satisfies efficiency, complete symmetry, the quasi-null player property and additivity. 这种价值作为唯一的方程的特点是,满足有效性、完全对称性等特点。