- Nor silver-shedding tears could penetrate her uncompassionate sire. 银光闪闪的泪花也不能打动她冷酷无情的父亲。
- uncompassionate sire 冷漠的陛下
- The old man has sire a boy child at the age of seventy. 那位老人在七十岁时得子做了父亲。
- "It is probable, sire," replied Villefort. “这是可能的,陛下,”维尔福回答。
- These are very pretty men, Sire. 这全是些小民,陛下。
- Sire, she has disappeared from sight. 王子殿下,她不见了。
- Name of Dam Microchip No Name of Sire Microchip No. 母犬犬名:芯片号码:父犬犬名:芯片号码
- Sire: I have made you king: my work is done. 陛下,我已经保你当了国王。我的事儿完啦。
- "Shall I convey your regrets, sire?" asked Darned. “我可以转达您的歉意吗,陛下?”达恩德问到。
- Gamling: You are our King, sire. 您是我们的国王,陛下。
- "By the Minister of Science, Sire? “是科学大臣说的吗,陛下?”
- The sire, the son, the dame and daughter die. 父亲和儿子双亡,夫人和女儿俱殁。
- "He's our enemy, sire," an aide observed. 有从者说:"陛下; 他是我们的敌人.
- Edmund: Sire, this is a matter of life and death. 爱德蒙:阁下,这是生死关头。
- The sire of your feet determines the sire of your shoes . 你的脚的大小决定了你的鞋的大小。
- "Sire, I listen," said De Blacas, biting his nails with impatience. “陛下,我知道了。”勃拉卡斯公爵说,不耐烦地咬着他的指甲。
- "I do not know, sire," answered the minister of police. “我不知道。陛下。警务大臣说。
- The sire of your feet determines the sire of your shoes. 你的脚的大小决定了你的鞋的大
- HAVE YOU OR ANYONE ACTING FOR SIRE TO IMMIGRATE TO THE U.S.? 是否您本人或有人曾代表您向美国领事部门或移民部门的工作人员表达过要移居美国的愿望?
- A man who cannot 7)sire a son, and then a 8)cuckold? 一个无男嗣,然后又戴绿帽的男人?