- Using the datum curves from the twin screw extrusion experiment,the correlative factors influencing the fill ratio of screw are analysed. 利用双螺杆挤出实验中的实验数据曲线,对影响螺杆填充率的诸相关因素进行分析。
- The composite of glass fiber reinforced PET (FRPET)/Ultra-fine CaCO3 modified by La3+ (UCa-CO3-La3 + ) was prepared by twin screw extrusion. 采用双螺杆挤出制备了玻璃纤维增强PET(FRPET)/稀土镧化合物改性超细碳酸钙(UCaC03一La3’)复合材料,将UCaCO3-La3+对FRPET性能的影响与有机钠盐类成核剂NA做了对比。
- Screw configuration of different functional sections and modular design of whole screw in intermeshing co rotating twin screw extrusion are introduced. 介绍了啮合同向双螺杆挤出过程中不同功能段的螺杆构型和整根螺杆的组合设计。
- With visualization twin screw extruder, the melting progressing of Polypropylene (PP) in intermeshing counter rotating twin screw extrusion was investigated. 借助于玻璃视窗可视化挤出机,对啮合异向双螺杆挤出过程中聚合物粉料的熔融进行了实验研究;
- In twin screw extrusion process, the island sea model is the coexistent form of the two phase of solid and liquid, which has been seen usually in the melting process of solid pellets. 在双螺杆挤出过程中,聚合物颗粒挤出熔融过程中较为常见的一种固、液两相共存的形式可以用“海-岛”模型来描述。
- Two molding techniques were developed, which were screw extrusion molding and froth molding. 摘要研究植物纤维类缓冲包装材料的2种成型工艺:螺杆挤压膨化成型工艺、发泡膨化成型工艺。
- The machine is a screw extrusion type fltrator. It is chiefly used to get rid of impurites contained in therubber compound and reclaim stock for the purpose of purifying them. 本机是螺杆挤出型过滤机,主要用于一般胶料及再生胶料的杂质的过滤达到净化的目的。
- This paper brief introduced that reaction principal,characteristic and reaction process of screw extrusion technology,and its application in food industry. 简要介绍螺杆挤压技术的反应原理、反应特点、反应过程及其在食品工业中的应用。
- This paper discusses the isothermal visco-flow theory of screw extrusion fordouble-base propellant, based on the semi-solid flow model of the double-base pro-pellant. 文中描述的以双基火药半固体流动模型为基础的双基火药螺旋挤出等温粘性流动理论给出了一组螺压机的输出速率、正常拖曳应力、挤出压力和功率消耗等计算公式。
- Keywords twin screw extrusion;operation parameters;bood characteristics; 双螺杆挤压;操作参数;食品特性;
- Combined the extrudate rheology character,the function relationship among the screw extrusion pressure and the screw working parameter,and the screw geometry dimension were established. 确定了物料实现顺利挤出通过挤压机的机头和机嘴部分所需的压力。
- The major characteristics and key technology about a new propellant with high energy and low signature are described, it is successfully studied by the screw extrusion technology recently. 介绍了新近研制成功的一种以螺旋压伸成型工艺制造的能量较高的低特征信号推进剂的主要性能,并重点讨论了研制的关键技术。
- Seen from the detoxification and flow simulation result, the screw extrusion de-gossypol method and numerical flow simulation of this extrusion process were proved to be effective. 从脱毒结果看,螺杆挤压脱毒法效果明显,值得进一步研究和应用;从数值模拟结果看,本文采用的计算方法、处理及程序实现是成功的。
- The effects of the various technical parameters of the double screw extrusion expander on the performance of the expanded products from different propotion of amaranth and rice were studied. 以不同配比的籽粒苋和大米为原料,就双螺杆挤压式膨化机工艺参数的改变对该膨化产品性能的影响进行了研究。
- The mother with twin babies are always on the run. 这个有双胞胎婴儿的妈妈总是忙忙碌碌的。
- Single screwer extrusion theory is more and more consummate, and some developed countries began to utilize it to design single screw extruder design. 单螺杆挤出理论经过几十年的发展日趋完善,一些发达国家已经利用单螺杆挤出理论指导单螺杆的设计。
- The twin brothers are far apart in character. 那两个孪生兄弟的性格相差很远。
- About 50 percent plastic formation use extrusion according to statistics, among this single screwer extrusion is considerably dominant. 据统计全世界50%25左右的塑料是用挤出法来加工的,其中单螺杆挤出占有相当大的比例。
- You must be muddling me up with my twin brother. 你一定是把我看成我的孪生兄弟了。
- Nothing can set the twin brothers at variance. 没有什么事能使这对双胞胎兄弟吵起来。