- tunicae funiculi spermatici [医] 精索膜
- hydroceic funiculi spermatici (拉)精索水囊肿
- The epidermis arises from the tunica meristem. 表皮来源于分生组织近外方的细胞。
- Tunica adventitia: entirely made of connective tissue. 外膜:完全由结缔组织构成。
- tunica vaginalis testis et funicul spermatici (睾丸精索)总鞘膜, 睾丸精索鞘膜
- Chronic suppurative inflammation in tunica mucosa was found in 1 case. 黏膜慢性炎伴化脓1例。
- Inadequate cell nutrition around vessels causes degeneration of tunica adventitia. 血管周围细胞的营养不足,引起外膜的变性。
- There are two Layers of cells in the tunica of the shoot apex of Sesa-mum indium and the second layer of cell of tunica. 芝麻茎尖有2层原套细胞,叶原基起源于原套的第二层。
- Fibrous pseudotumor is not uncommon in other sites of the body, but rarely occurs on the testicular tunica albuginea. 摘要伪瘤在其他器官发生的机会并非少见,但是发生在睪丸白膜则是相当罕见。
- The pathological diagnosis was fibrous pseudotumor of testicular tunica albuginea. (J Urol R. 患者经阴囊核磁共振扫描为一睪丸外多发结节性肿瘤后,接受左侧单纯睪丸切除术。
- Inadequate cell nutrition around vessels causes degeneration of tunica adventitia . 血管周围细胞的营养不足,引起外膜的变性。
- The tunica adventitia of middle arteries was comprised of abundant elastic fibers. 中动脉外膜内层结构致密,纤维组织丰富。
- Results: E - Selectin expression could be detected on tunica intima, and had dose - response with increasing of stain. 结果:撕脱伤静脉内膜上有E-选择素的表达,牵拉力的增高强阳性就越明显。
- One of the antidromic responses of these neurons to dorsal and dorsolateral funicular stimulation disappeared when dissection between the two funiculi reached the segments of C_(7)-T_(4). 这些神经元对刺激背索抑或背外侧索的逆向反应,在C_(7)-T_(4)节段的背索和背外侧索被分隔开时消失。
- Abstract:Tunica vaginalis subvolution was constantly used for treatment of filarial hydrocele in the past. 摘要:以往采用传统的鞘膜翻转手术治疗丝虫性鞘膜积液。
- Abstract Neurons in the lumbosacral dorsal horn were doubly activated by antidromic stimulation of both the ipsilateral dorsal and dorsolateral funiculi in the cervical spinal cord. 摘要 猫腰骶髓背角神经元对同侧颈髓背索和背外侧索的逆向刺激发生反应。
- Methods Adopting scrotal flap with tunica dartos pedicle or free thigh skin flap to repair avulsion of skin of penis. 方法采用肉膜蒂阴囊皮瓣或游离大腿皮瓣修复阴茎创面。
- The vegetative shoot apex in Rosa chinensis Jacq. has two layers of tunica cells. 月季的营养苗端具有两层原套细胞。
- Conclusions.Progressie kyphosis of the cerical spine resulted in demyelination of nere fibers in the funiculi and neuronal loss in the anterior horn due to chronic compression of the spinal cord. 结论:由于脊索慢性压迫致脊柱颈段的渐进性后凸可导致白索的神经纤维的脱髓鞘和前角细胞的神经失用。
- The results showed that each intestinal villi had only one spiral villi arteriole coming from the tunica submucosa. 结果表明:1大鼠小肠绒毛有一条来自粘膜下层的螺旋形的绒毛微动脉;