- Even with the air pumped out the bulb, the tungsten filament slowly vaporizes. 即使灯泡中的空气被抽出,钨丝也会慢慢地蒸发。
- Even with the air pumped out the bulb,the tungsten filament slowly vaporizes. 即使灯泡中的空气被抽出,钨丝也会慢慢地蒸发。
- When the electric current is turned on, it ignites the tungsten filaments in the bulb. 电流一接通就使灯泡里的钨丝灼热发光。
- Gas-filled lamp containing a tungsten filament and a small proportion of halogens. 含有钨灯丝和少量卤素的充气灯。
- Misapplication one: A lot of people are used blindly shoot the light (namely) of bulb of haloid tungsten filament. 误用二: 许多人为了省电,过多地使用节能灯,忽略了灯光在营造家庭气氛方面的作用。
- The brightness of a tungsten filament depends on the intensity of the electrical current that flows through it. 钨丝发光的强弱,取决于流经的电流强度的大小。
- Dear Customer and Partner, Thomas Alva Edison's tungsten filament lights are being replaced by LED lights. 以爱迪生钨丝为基础的传统光源已渐渐被LED光源所取代。
- Low MU Thoriated Tungsten filamentary heating structure. 低Mu敷钍灯丝结构。
- High MU Thoriated Tungsten filamentary heating structure. 高Mu敷钍灯丝结构。
- An important advantage of this circuit is that the traditional tungsten filament lamp amplitude regulator is eliminated along with its time constant and linearity problems. 这个电路的主要优点之一是克服了传统钨丝灯幅值调节电路所带来的时间常数以及线性度方面的问题。
- Actinic light: Chemically active light from lamps are: mercury vapor lamps, photo-flood bulbs (gas filled tungsten filament incandescent lamps), to harden light-sensitive plate coating. 光化光:引起化学作用的光。由弧光灯,水银蒸气灯,溢光灯(钨丝充气白热灯)所发出的光。照相制版时,用作硬化版面材料。
- Actinic light Chemically active light from are lamps, mercury vapour lamps, photo-flood bulbs (gas filled tungsten filament incandescent lamps), to harden light-sensitive plate coating. 引起化学作用的光。由弧光灯,水银蒸气灯,溢光灯(钨丝充气白热灯)所发出的光。照相製版时,用作硬化版面材料。
- The analysis of the weak signal circuit, amplifying circuit of the signal and power circuit in the thermal conductivity detector has been done, and the characteristic of the circuits with the rhenium tungsten filament is designed. 针对气相色谱热导检测器的弱信号失真和电源不稳定问题,研究与设计热导检测器的弱信号测量电路、信号放大电路以及电源电路。
- Conductivity cell of tungsten filament 钨丝热导池
- conductivity cells of tungsten filament 钨丝热导池
- Keywords Tungsten filament Carbonize Fracture; 钨丝;碳化;断裂;
- incandescent tungsten filament lamp 钨丝白炽灯
- A small, slender fiber or filament. 小纤维一种细小的纤维或丝
- Tungsten filament lamp for general lighting purposes 普通照明用钨丝灯