- tula istle 图拉伊斯特尔纤维
- In Russia niello work is known as Tula work. 在俄国,黑金镶嵌制品被称为图拉工艺品。
- A fire November 4 at a nursing home in Tula killed 32 people. 11月4日,土拉一家疗养院又传火灾,32人丧生。
- One was a seller of genuine gold, while the other, Tula cotton. 有他买真金者,烧而试之。
- Windhoek card near Tula and comas Darfur are Africans live in cities and towns. 温得和克附近的卡图拉和科马斯达尔是非洲人聚居的城镇。
- Thus the stealing was revealed. Consequently, he lost both gold and Tula cotton. 情事既露,二事俱失。
- Tula, believed to be the capital of the Toltecs and which was located about 100 km north of present-day Mexico City. 图拉被认为是前哥伦布时期托尔特克的首府,托尔特克则位于今天墨西哥城的北面100公里处。
- Although home office businesses to shape the Tula address, but the phenomenon has changed shape. 商家虽上门对开裂处进行了涂蜡处理,但开裂现象却依然如故。
- Nielli (objects decorated with niello) were produced in ancient Rome and 9th-century England. In Russia niello work is known as Tula work. 黑金制品(带黑金镶嵌装饰的物品)由古罗马人和9世纪的英国人制造。在俄国黑金镶嵌制品称为图拉工艺品。
- Serpuhov is by now occupied by a detachment of the enemy, and Tula, with its famous arsenal, of such importance to the army, is in danger. 谢尔普霍夫已经被敌人的一支部队占领,图拉及其著名的、我军不可缺少的兵工厂也处在危险之中。
- The final major effort of this phase of attacks was a push by Guderian's forces near Tula, but this made little progress. [10] (Henry c. 进攻阶段的结局是古德里安的部队推进到了图拉附近,但进展甚微。
- Modified by tectonics,the clastic rocks became the better reservoir of oil and gas with its high porosity and permeability in the Tula Basin. 构造作用使得岩石中裂隙发育,提高了岩石孔渗性,极大地改善了岩石的储集性能,形成了较好的储层。
- The fact is, who do not have their own office to those found Zhongguancun, the city extraordinary, president Tula floor office going. 事实是,没有谁不愿意把自己的办公室搬到那些遍布中关村,气派非凡的、铺着涂蜡地板的写字楼里去。
- Russian navy officials said Dygalo, the Russian "Tula" nuclear submarine from the Barents Sea on the same day to the equator in the Pacific region sineva test-fired a missile. 俄罗斯海军官员德加洛说,俄罗斯“图拉”号核潜艇当天从巴伦支海向太平洋赤道区域试射了一枚sineva型导弹。
- Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin stunned workers at a weapons factory in Tula when he gave away an expensive Swiss watch to a weapons manufacturing factory worker. 俄罗斯总理普京近日前往图拉参观当地的一家兵工厂时,竟被该工厂一名工人要走了手腕上的瑞士名表。
- istle and drink at he same time. 一心不能二用。
- On the basis of a petroleum geological analyses, this paper proposes that the Tula basin and Dunhuang basin (especially in the Aksay depression ) are favorable for hydrocarbon exploration. 在分析阿尔金盆地群的石油地质特征基础之上,本文认为吐拉盆地和敦煌盆地的阿克塞坳陷是有利的含油气地区。
- In view of types,abundances and thermal evolution properties on organic matter,an evaluation of the hydrocarbon source rocks of the lower and middle Jurassic in Tula basin is made. 通过对吐拉盆地中-下侏罗统烃源岩有机碳含量、可溶有机质含量、热解参数、干酪根显微组分、干酪根元素、干酪根炭同位素、镜质体反射率等方面的分析,讨论了烃源岩的有机质丰度、类型和成熟度。
- In view of types, abundances and thermal evolution properties on organic matter, an evaluation of the hydrocarbon source rocks of the lower arid middle Jurassic in Tula basin is made. 摘要通过对吐拉盆地中-下侏罗统烃源岩有机碳含量、可溶有机质含量、热解参数、干酪根显微组分、干酪根元素、干酪根炭同位素、镜质体反射率等方面的分析,讨论了烃源岩的有机质丰度、类型和成熟度。
- GUO Zhao-jie,ZHANG Zhi-cheng,ZENG Fan-gang.The discovery and its significance of thick oil sands in Jurassic formation in Tula Basin[J].Chinese Science Bulletin,1998,43 (8):886-888. [3]郭召杰;张志诚;曾凡刚.;吐拉盆地侏罗纪巨厚油砂岩和沥青的发现及其意义[J]