- May I see your ticket and travel documents, please? 请把你的票和旅行文件给我看一看好吗?
- Who issued the travel documents? 谁核发这些旅游证件的?
- Valid travel document is required. 准备有效的证件。
- Your passport or travel document . 你的护照或者旅行资料。
- The Embassy refused to renew their temporary travel documents. 大使馆不同意延长他们临时旅行证件的有效期。
- However, Certificates of Identity have a 10-year validityand are valid travel documents until their expiry. 不过,身分证明书的有效期为10年,而且仍为有效的旅行证件,直至其有效期届满为止。
- Officers detected a total of 3 083 forged travel documents during the year,compared with 3 192 in 1996. 年内,入境事务处发现的伪造旅行证件总数达3083本,一九九六年则为3192本。
- However,Certificates of Identity have a 10-year validity and are valid travel documents until their expiry. 不过,身分证明书的有效期为10年,而且仍为有效的旅行证件,直至其有效期届满为止。
- Place all travel documents into one briefcase or folder rather than in several places for ease of checking. 把所有的旅游文件放在同一个手提箱或皮包裹而不是散放在行李箱里,这样的话,查看这些文件就很方便。
- Officers detected a total of 3 083 forged travel documents during the year, compared with 3 192 in 1996. 年内,入境事务处发现的伪造旅行证件总数达3083本,一九九六年则为3192本。
- Crew Manager Deals with crew recruitment.Deploys crew to ship, arranges travel documents and transport for crew. 海员总管招募船员,为其安排工作岗位、交通工具,以及办理入境签证;
- Most of those who cross into Nepal lack valid travel documents and few obtain a card from the UN refugee agency, UNHCR. 绝大多数穿越尼泊尔的藏人没有合法通行文件,仅有少数能从联合国难民署(UNHCR)得到一纸证明。
- Unless restrained by law,holders of valid travel documents shall be free to leave the Region without special authorization. 有效旅行证件的持有人,除非受到法律制止,可自由离开香港特别行政区,无需特别批准。
- And please do not forget to bring a valid travel document with you when you buy the tickets. 请别忘了带您的有效旅行证件来买票。
- They shall have freedom to travel and to enter or leave the Region and shall have the right to obtain travel documents in accordance with law. 澳门居民有旅行和出入境的自由,有依照法律取得各种旅行证件的权利。
- Travel documents held(i.e.Passport,Re-entry Permit,Permit,Certificate of Identity,Affidavit,PRC Travelt Permit,Chinese Travel Permit,etc. 如果有护照应该填护照,可是没有护照这里填甚么哪?难道填内地的身份证?办个护照也得20天,来不及呀。请大家帮忙!谢谢!
- Original valid passport or travel document &identity card for you and/or your dependant(s) who attend the interview. 你和(或)参加面试的你的家属的有效护照或旅行证件和身份证原件。
- You must report to this office in writing any changes in your travel documents, family configuration and marital status before collecting your visas. 在取签证前,你必须以书面形式向使馆就旅行文件、家庭构成及婚姻状况的变更情况进行说明。
- Unless restrained by law, holders of valid travel documents shall be free to leave the Region without special authorization. 有效旅行证件的持有人,除非受到法律制止,可自由离开香港特别行政区,无需特别批准。
- On the day of departure, the only steps remaining should be to pack one's formal clothing and to recheck one's travel documents and money. 出发当天依然要做的就是将正式场合穿着的衣服打包并再次检查旅游文件和钱财。