- PNL - please reserve Training Room I and prepare the visiting gowns. 人事部请保留教室与准备当天所需之参访白袍。
- The training room in Gaborone is just next to the 18th hole of a golf course! 在博茨瓦那的培训室是在高尔夫球场第18洞的旁边,有着美好的环境(加上阳光),我们就把部分的可在室外上!
- PS: The Chinese lessons will be held in Huisman China training room. 备注:该课程将在豪氏威马中国的培训教室中进行。
- Please prearrange training room and apparatuses, such as microphone, projector, whiteboard and marker, etc. 请事先预定培训场所;准备培训所需器材;如麦克风、投影仪、白板及白板笔.
- When they reached the training room, they found it empty but a small side door was swinging ominously. 到达训练室后,他们发现屋子是空的,但一扇边门正令人不安地前后晃动着。
- Reporters accompanying the small Yu arrived at Shanghai's Nandan Road Amway's training room. 记者随同小余来到位于上海南丹东路的安利公司培训教室。
- You meet your students in a training room, with only half an hour to check out all the hardware and prepare configurations for them. 您要在教室里为学生授课,但是只有半个小时来检查所有硬件,并为这些硬件准备配置。
- Fitness Club (In Doors Swimming Pool, Aerobics Training Room, GYM, Beauty Salon, Sauna, Massage, Chess &Card Room, Table Tennis, Tennis Court) . 健身会所(温水游泳池、有氧跳操房、健身房、美容美发、桑拿、按摩、桌球室、棋牌室、乒乓室、网球场)。
- A hydrotherapy room, a modality therapy room and an electromyographic biofeedback training room are affiliated to the department. 此后不断引进国外先进水疗康复设备,长期致力于优秀康复人才的培养。
- Altavista Centre - Meeting, conference and training room facility with secretarial assistance, catering, audiovisual and multimedia equipment. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- Hank Steinbrenner, 50, is not as detail-oriented as his father;he is not apt to demand new carpeting in the training room. 小老闆之一的汉克,今年50岁,不像他的父亲什麽都管,他不会倾向决定训练员室的新地毯样式。
- I was more worried for him than anything, because I was sitting next to him in the training room and he was squirming on the table," said Allen. 阿伦说:“当时在训练室里,我坐在他旁边,他很不安地坐在桌子旁,所以我担心他多于任何事情。”
- There is an attached space called “loji+LIM”, a training room for young stylists, which allows them to observe how top stylists work every day. 有一个附加的空间称为“ loji +林” ,培训室的年轻设计师,让他们观察顶端设计师日常工作中。
- The Clubhouse offers you a multitude of innovative facilities, including golf simulator, indoor squash and badminton cour ts, aerobics training room and even a movie theatrette. 我们的俱乐部为您提供多种新型设备,有高尔夫模拟器、室内壁球和羽毛球场地、体操训练房和美容沙龙,甚至还有电影院。
- Dennis and Eckhardt not only included people selected from want ads in the training room, they also invited an assortment of colleagues who were already working for them. 丹尼斯和埃克哈特不但包括了通过广告招来的人,还邀请了一些早就为他们做事的同事来参加培训。
- Like the printed circuit board production enterprise,the practice and train room will produce the sullage which can endanger our environment. 如同印制电路板生产企业一样,实训室在日常教学过程中会产生对环境存在危害的污水。
- Accom Corporation Ltd. - computer training, training room and facilities rental, software development, Microsoft Certified Partner, Microsoft Certified Technical Education Centre. 超卓专业电脑训练中心-包括学校简介、开课时间、课程简介、学生作品等。
- This 8,000 square meter facility encompasses engineering offices, test laboratories, tooling shop, and training rooms. 这个占地面积8,000平方米的工程中心由工程办公室、实验室、加工车间和培训室组成。
- The college covers 696 mou, with over 200,000 square meters,102 experiment and training rooms and 800,000paper collection books. 学院占地面积696亩,总建筑面积20多万平方米,实验、实训室102个,图书馆收藏图书文献近80万册。
- Hard training will fit them to run long distances. 严格的训练将使他们能跑长距离。