- track positional information 磁道定位信息
- Wolpert, L. "Positional Information andDev. Genetics 15 (1994): 485-490. “发育时期的位置资讯与模式生成”。期刊“发育遗传学”第15卷。第485到490页。
- Wolpert, L. "Positional Information and Pattern Formation in Development." Dev. Genetics 15 (1994): 485-490. “发育时期的位置资讯与模式生成”。期刊“发育遗传学”第15卷。第485到490页。
- Gu Ge is affirmatory still, will meet only the positional information with reservation the closest user. 谷歌还承诺,将只会保留用户最近的位置信息。
- This service provides position information for your dialog box. 此项服务可为您的对话框提供位置信息。
- A new wavelet image compression algorithm was proposed based on morphological dilation and the positional information of the important coefficient couplet belt. 摘要提出了一种基于形态膨胀运算的对子带间重要系数位置信息进行联合编码的新型小波图像压缩编码算法。
- Working on a comparable timescale, SIM should provide positional information for a subsample of faint stars, thereby probing the most tenuous star streams. 在此同时,SIM应能提供黯淡恒星次级样本的位置资讯,从而侦测最稀薄的恒星流。
- You can see at any moment in a lap speed, throttle/brake position, steering angle and track position. 你可以看到一圈中任何时刻的速度,油门/刹车的位置,方向盘的角度和赛道上的位置。
- And they say fewer tenure track positions mean fewer people to work with students, create new courses and serve on committees. 他们还指出过少的长期聘用教授的职位意味着更少的人为学生提供教学服务、开发新课程及在委员会任职。
- And with blade strickle suites dirt track positions corrosion bar abrosive, phosphopeptide, went to bed at the dirt track. 又用刀片刮版面上不净迹的场所,用腐化棒打磨,再用磷酸腐化,开印,又呈现不净迹。
- The tomato harvesting robot obtained positional information of object by its vision system, but in the process of locating, the first facing problem is the problem of camera's calibration. 番茄收获机器人在番茄收获中是靠其视觉系统来获得目标位置信息的,而在定位过程中,首先遇到的就是摄像机的标定问题。
- And they say few tenia check fewer tenure track positions mean few fewer people to work with student to creat students, create new courses and servy serve on communitycommittees. 他们也表示终身制的短少意味著愈少人会和学生一起工作,开办新课程和为委员会服务。
- Current studies indicate that positional information is related to certain kind of hormones, diffusible molecules or non-transcribed DNA and even molecule(s) localized in cell walls. 近些年的研究从细胞壁、激素、可扩散因子和非转录DNA等角度对这一问题进行了大量探索, 成为植物发育生物学的一个热点领域。
- The Spaniard and Schumacher had staged a little bit of theatre as they scrapped for premier track position on leaving the pits at the start of the final session. 西班牙人和舒马赫在第三阶段排位赛开始刚刚离开维修站的时候争夺第一个位置,上演了戏剧性的场面。
- Positional information is one of the important mechanisms underlying plant development because it is involved in pattern formation, cell differentiation and cell fate determination. 摘要位置信息是植物发育的重要机制之一,它在植物体的模式建成、细胞的分化及细胞命运的抉择过程中起重要作用。
- Our pilotless rocket enters the track of the earth. 我们把一个无人驾驶的火箭送入了地球的轨道里。
- Provides an interface to enable a class to return line and position information. 提供一个接口,使类可以返回行和位置信息。
- The system receives vehicles position information by its GPS system in vehicles. 该系统采用全球定位系统(GPS)进行车辆定位,采用无线通信系统进行车辆位置信息和车辆属性信息发送。
- Rational interpretation of well track position in reservoir, changes of resistivity logging response and of porosity logging response are made by using XXX horizontal well as examples. 以XXX水平井为例,对井眼轨迹在储层中的位置,以及电阻率测井响应和孔隙度测井响应的变化做出了合理的解释。
- Most computer programs that provide real time position information understand and expect data to be in NMEA format. 大多数电脑程序对于实时位置信息的理解和预期的数据都在NMEA格式下提供。