At the same time he made an effort to displace the big iron-shod shoe which rested on his treasure. 同时使劲推开那只压在他宝贝上面的铁钉鞋。
The Nike design team of Tobie Hatfied and Kevin Hoffer also made adjustments to the shoe's support and spike plate. 另外在奥运会赛场上,跑鞋与高科技的完美结合远远超过了其他运动服装,它已经成为更新换代最快的运动装备了。
The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons writes that when fitting into an athletic shoe you should be able to freely wiggle all of your toes. 拿着一双穿旧丢的跑鞋,一个有素养的店员会检查你旧跑鞋的磨损情况,看出你脚的活动状况,从而决定哪一种跑鞋适合你。