- Ll have to discuss about the total contract price. 我们还得讨论一下整个价格问题。
- The total contract price shall be. 不象合同语气,正确的译文应是。
- One years total contract price: RMB. 一年服务费总计:元。
- We'll have to discuss about the total contract price. 我们不得不讨论一下合同的总价格问题。
- For the added or subtracted engineer part suggested by contractor, if it is not changed greatly, the total contracting price will not change. 发包人提出的工程量增减部分,如果没有大的改动,总承包价不变。
- The total amount of the liquidated damages shall not exceed _____ percent of the total Contract Price. 违约金的总量不得超过合同总价的百分之 _______ 。
- C. Original commercial inoice coering20% of the total contract price in5( fie) copies. 五份合同总价20%25正本的商业发票的复印件。
- The proportion of the completed contract work against the expected total contract work; or. 已经完成的合同工作量占合同预计总工作量的比例。
- C. Original commercial inoice coering 20% of the total contract price in 5 (fie) copies. 开票金额为合同总价20%25的正本商业发票,一式五份。
- XXXX) used for payment.Proforma invoice in five originals covering 100 pct of the total contract value used for customers clearance. 100%25合同金额的形式发票一式五份正本则用以客人清关之用.
- B.Payment of % of the total Contract Price prorate % of the value of each shipment on presentation of the following documents:B. 提交下列单据后按合同总价的 %25支付每次启运货价。
- Weight Tolerance Ratio: the percentage of the part of the CIQ landed weight exceeding or shorter than the weight provided by the Contract against the total contract weight. 溢短装率:到岸重量超出或少于合同规定重量的部分占合同总重量的百分率。
- Alger Gymnasium Project was located in Algeria.The project was started on 2004.11 and completed on?2006.03 with the total contract value of?11,990,000 USD. 阿尔及利亚1200座体育馆工程位于阿尔及利亚阿尔及尔市。该工程于2004年11月开工,2006年3月完工。总合同额为1199万美元。
- In addition, exchange rate fluctuations also increased the total contracted overseas engineering project risks. 此外,汇率的波动也加大了海外工程总承包项目的风险。
- The total Contract Price shall be paid by Documents against Payment (D/P) or Documents against Acceptance (D/A) according to the following installments and percentage upon presentation of the following documents. 买方在收到卖方提交的下列单据后,分期分批地将合同总价,以付款交单(d/P)或承兑后交单(d/A)的方式支付给卖方。
- The mass rally was a total fiasco. 那次群众集会彻底失败。
- X )Other documents,if any: - Pre-Acceptance Certificate signed by both parties. - Bank guarantee for 95% of the total contract value issued by the sellers bank to cover the period until date of delivery to the buyers site. 其它单证文件,如有---双方签订的预签收证明;卖方银行出具的在货物到达买方之前保值95%25合同金额的银行保证。
- The letter of intent will indicate your readiness and willingness to handle this contract successfully without any disappointment once you confirm the total contract value in your given bank account. 意向书要表明一旦你们确认完你们银行帐户里的合同款项之后,你们愿意并且保证会顺利地完成这笔交易,不出任何差错。
- On the base of systematic background analysis, This Thesis points it out that construction"s total contract pattern will be amain contract-pattern of domestic building-market as before. 本论文在系统的背景分析基础上,指出施工总承包模式依然是国内建筑市场主要的承发包模式。
- I must say the news comes as a total surprise. 我得说这个消息来得太突然了。