- The girl charged with murder was said to be mad and unfit to plead. 据说那个被指控谋杀的女孩是疯子,不能为自己申辩。
- To be honest, I am mad about fishing. 老实说,我最喜欢钓鱼。
- He`s supposed to be mad as a hatter, though, these days. 这段时间听说他总是疯疯癫癫的.
- He refused to be pinned down on the question. 他拒绝对这个问题明确表态。
- I have no pretence to be an expert on the subject. 我并不自命是这方面的专家。
- The letter to be typed is on the table. 要打字的信在桌子上。
- He and his wife seem to be on the outs these days. 他和他的妻子最近似乎感情很不好。
- He seemed to expect to be waited on hand and foot. 他像是想要人尽心尽力伺候他。
- That's all there is to be said on the subject. 关于这问题,要说的就这么多。
- The couple seemed to be on cloud nine. 那对夫妇看上去极其幸福。
- He has a yen to be alone in a boat. 他渴望独自待在一条船上。
- He likes to be sure of his bodily comforts. 他注重身体上的舒适。
- In order not to be late, she cut across the fields. 为了不迟到,她抄近路穿过田野。
- The method seems good but it needs to be tried out. 这个方法似乎不错,但需要试验一下。
- Mark used to be a pilot on the Mississippi River. 马克曾在密西西比河上当过领航员。
- That newscaster is a showboat, she wants to be on camera all the time. 那新闻播报员是一个爱现的人,她随时想上镜头。
- The new student is a little slow on the uptake, so you have to be patient. 这个新生理解能力较差,因此你得耐心一点。
- It's not respectable to be drunk on the street. 在大街上醉倒是不体面的。
- That mad man had to be tied to a chair, for he had hurt several persons. 那个疯子被梆在椅子,因为他已经伤了几个人。
- I'd like to be in on the scheme. 我很想参与这项计画。