- I don't care a brass farthing where you go. 你上哪儿去,我才不管呢!
- The drummer doubles in brass as a violinist. 这鼓手还是一个小提琴手。
- The path of civilization is paved with tin cans. 文明的大道,是铺满了空罐头。
- A small boy was beating out a tune on a tin can. 一个小男孩正用铁皮罐敲奏出曲子来。
- It was like him to come down to brass tacks. 他就是这个脾气,说话单刀直入。
- The brass band is banging away in the park. 铜管乐队在公园里吹吹打打。
- You may open the tin simply by pulling the puller. 你只要拉这个拉出器,就可以很容易地把罐头打开。
- How do you have the brass to say that? 你怎么有脸那么说呢?
- I have a monumental brass medal. 我有一枚有纪念意义的铜牌。
- Cymbal is a pair of round brass plates. 铙钹是一对黄铜圆盘。
- I can't make the cover of the tin fit on. 我无法把这罐头的盖子盖上。
- The brass band still plays to packed houses. 这支铜管乐队卖座率仍然很高。
- He thinks he is a little tin god. 我觉得自己很了不起。
- Plenty of top brass attended the ceremony. 有很多大官儿出席了典礼。
- Hailstones rattled on the tin roof. 冰雹落在铁皮屋顶上发出砰砰声。
- Gold is similar in color to brass. 金和铜颜色相仿。
- I caught her with her fingers in the biscuit tin. 我看见她手指还在饼干盒里呢。
- Their band has some excellent brass players. 他们乐队有几个出色的铜管乐器手。
- We fuse copper and tin to make bronze. 我们把铜和锡熔制成青铜。
- How did she have the brass to ask for more? 她怎么有脸开口再要呢?