- Fixed section bearings form one group of thin section bearings. 固定型轴承形成一组薄型轴承。
- A few thin sections show fresh variolitic texture. 少数薄片呈现新鲜的球粒结构。
- A few thin sections show fresh variolitic texture . 少数薄片呈现新鲜的球粒结构。
- I think it is necessary to do a thin section analysis to determine the lithology. 我认为需要观察薄片才能确定岩性。
- Due to the use of discretion of variable substep,this software is more suitable to thin section,rotational castings. 同时由于采用了变步长剖分,使本软件十分适合于处理薄壁回转类铸件的凝固模拟。
- The petrographic thin section indicates that themain types of clay mineral is chlorite, kaolinite and illite. 据岩石薄片鉴定,粘土矿物类型主要有伊利石、绿泥石和高岭石。
- The Morphology of HRCT of Ear and the Thin Sectional Anatomy. 耳的HRCT的形态学基础和薄层断面解剖。
- Cortical microtubules were observed in intraepidermal cells of onion bulb with thin section and negative staining of protoplasts. 用超薄切片和原生质体负染的方法,在电镜下观察到洋葱鳞茎内表皮细胞周质微管的存在。
- As indicated by cast thin section and ESM study, solution pores developed mainly in hornfels and fracture systems come to be the next. 论述了溶蚀作用在深埋期进行,溶质来自生油岩的有机酸和碳酸,角岩中不稳定的铝硅酸盐和碳酸盐矿物是产生溶孔的物质基础。
- Abstract Furan resin sand is poor in collapsibility when it is used for Al alloy casting,specially for some large、thin section castings. 呋喃树脂砂用于铝合金铸造时,特别是对于一些大型、薄壁铝合金铸件,型芯的溃散性较差。
- On the bases of a large number of data obtained from core observatinn, thin section determination,cathodo luminescence, SEM, elec... 充填程度差异在区域上可导致储层孔隙空间的差异性和非均质性,正是由于岩石的这一自身“亏空”和“补偿”形成了区域上成岩圈闭或岩性遮挡。
- Fig.17 Thin section of barley leaf cell infected with BaYMV,showing membranous bodies and pinwheel inclusion bodies in the cytoplasm. 图17感染大麦黄花叶病毒的大麦叶肉细胞中的膜状体和柱状内含体。
- Comparative observations were made on the morphology and anatomy of secretory cavities in stems of 14 genera, 23 species and one varieties by paraffin and thin section method. 摘要利用石蜡切片和薄切片方法对芸香科14属23种和1变种植物幼茎中分泌囊的分布和结构进行了比较研究。
- In the process researching the reservoirs in Hongtai area,which is based on the casting and conventional thin section inspection data,many intragranular fractures are found. 在对吐哈盆地红台地区进行以岩芯铸体薄片和普通薄片为基础的储层微观特征研究过程中,发现在许多井中发育分布较广的粒内裂缝。
- An instrument used to cut a specimen, as of organic tissue, into thin sections for microscopic examination. 超薄切片机为作显微镜检查把标本,如有机组织等切成极薄切片的机器
- Thin section bearings are therefore preferred for industrial robots, textile machinery, printing presses, machine tool turntables, radar antennae as well as optical and medical equipment applications. 因此,薄型轴承适用于机器人、纺织机械、印刷设备、机床转台、雷达天线、光学和医药器材等应用。
- The morphology and development of capitate and peltate glandular hairs on the leaves of Mentha haplocalyx Brig.were studied with the help of thin section and a scanning electron microscope. 应用扫描电镜及薄切片技术研究薄荷叶的盾状腺毛和头状腺毛的形态发育过程。
- Some of preblems will be accounted by means of stained thin section microscopic identification, catholuminescence microscopic observation, trace elent analysis, carbon and oxgen isotope geochemistry, and fluid inclusion analysis. 认为利用染色薄片鉴定、阴极发光显微镜观察、微量元素分析、碳氧稳定同位素测定及包裹体测温等综合手段进一步研究,最终将解决这些问题。
- Examinations of several thousand thin sections revealed a few examples of unaltered ferromagnesian and sulfide minerals. 经过对数千薄片的研究发现了少数未变化的铁镁和硫化物矿的实例。
- Ligamentous structures of FM on continuous thin sections were observed and compared with the images of CT and MRI. 对枕大孔区韧带结构的连续断面形态进行观察 ,并与CT、MR图像对照研究。