- The result of the experiment is in accordance with the theoretical prediction. 实验的结果与理论预测相吻合。
- The experimental d ata from a capillary dynamic rheometer were well consistent with the theoretical prediction based on this model. 实验证明,在正弦脉动流场中,非仿射瞬态网络结构模型的理论值与实验值具有较好的一致性。
- The experimental Hugoniot data are good agreement with the theoretical prediction by Saha equation pus Debye Huckel correction. 结果发现 :实测Hugoniot物态方程可用Saha方程加Debye Huckel修正物理模型解释。
- The theoretical prediction about non-lepton decay of B-meson is facing challenges.Because there is not tiny perturbation in the course of decay. 摘要由于衰变过程中存在的非微扰问题,B介子的非轻子衰变的理论预言面临很大的挑战。
- The theoretical prediction was tested and verified using the separation of dansylated amino acid and norgestrel enantiomers. 研究表明,环糊精及SDS浓度对旋光异构体的分离有很大影响。
- The theoretical prediction and the simulation results indicate that the LFM is very useful to depress the inter-symbol interference. 理论推导和实际仿真结果都表明,利用线性调频信号进行调制,可以很好的抑制码间串扰。
- The theoretical prediction of the penetration depth ratio of tube and long rod penetrators is compared with experimental result and shows fairly good consistency with the later. 圆管与圆杆侵彻深度之比在同材料同长度下理论计算值与实验数据有很好的一致性。
- Calculation and simulation results of the WSCC 4-generator 11-bus test system with classical modeling verify the correctness and efficiency of the theoretical prediction. 文中通过WSCC 4机11节点电力系统经典模型算例,进行相关计算仿真,结果验证了该方法的正确性和有效性。
- In order to make the discovery more convincible to the main stream of science, we have to have the theoretical prediction verified by the various independent experimental results. 为了使得科学发现更容易被科学界的主流所接受我们必须有多方面的理论预言,由不同的,独立的实验结果来加以证实。
- These structural changes agree well with the best theoretical predictions. 这些结构上的变化同最成功的理论预言很好地相吻合。
- Finally, experimental verifications for theoretical predictions are given. 最后给出了实验验证。
- The validity of this scaling up strategy is demonstrated by fairly good agreement between the theoretical prediction and the experimental results obtained in MFE apparatus of different scales. 以此为基础确定了沿定分离腔室长度进行设备放大的方案并进行了实验验证,理论预期与实验结果一致。
- The relationship was tested by using tryptophan, coumarin, benzene and 2-nitrophenol as model, which indicated that the experimental results matched well with the theoretical prediction. 并用色氨酸、香豆素、苯和2-硝基酚在不同速率差实现堆积时的相关参数进行了验证。
- This paper regarded a refrigerator as the object, and some theoretical prediction methods on optimum design and isolation property of supporting system of a refrige- rator compressor was constructed. 本文以冰箱为研究对象,探讨建立冰箱压缩机支承系统隔振特性及优化设计的理论预估方法。
- Objective. To theoretically predict the optimal vertebral density and thickness of the vertebral cortex and endplates. 目的:旨在从理论上得到最优化的椎体密度、骨皮质厚度及软骨终板厚度。
- The results showed that the system can theoretically predict the possibility of success of the project exploitation and potential problems. 哪方面有可能会出现问题,做到提前预知,早做准备;
- Good agreement is found between the theoretical predictions and the experimental results in the springback of hemispherical parts. 利用该算法对半球形零件的拉深回弹进行了预测,所得结果与实验结果吻合较好。
- Empirical tests using surveys of the 1998 Legislative Yuan election and the 2003 TEDS support the theoretical predictions. 在实证的研究上,本文透过1998第四届立委访问调查资料以及2003TEDS调查资料,来支持理论的预测。
- I can predict something with great accuracy. 我能很准确地预测某事。
- The theoretical predictions are compared with triaxial drained and undrained compression test results of a marine soft soil;it is shown that the model is reasonable. 将理论预测与某海洋软土三轴排水与不排水剪切试验结果比较,显示了该模型的合理性。