- Similarly, the protection of human right is also an essential part of the anti-corruption and bribery work. 保护人权同样是反贪污贿赂工作的重要内容。
- For instance, it lacks the correct value orientation, it doesn't cater for the protection of human rights and its process framework has dissimilated. 与我国现行刑事诉讼制度的发展同步,刑事审判监督程序也面临着由传统向现代转型的艰巨使命。
- ECOSOC has a consultative role and can present proposals on economic and social questions and those relating to the protection of human rights at world level. 联合国经济和社会理事会ECOSOC扮演著谘询性角色,能把一些经济、社会问题议案,包括与保障人权有关的,提交国际层面讨论。
- The Geneva-based Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders calls the situation for human rights and their defenders "scarcely or not at all satisfactory. 总部设在日内瓦的“保护人权捍卫者观察组织”称人权及其捍卫者的处境“几乎不能令人满意或完全不能令人满意”。
- Modern criminal litigious system faces the pressure of rising crime rate and complication of crimes.On the other hand, people attach more and more attention to the protection of human rights. 摘要现代刑事诉讼制度面临有效打击犯罪和保障人权并重的司法难题。
- This article attempts to establish public hearing procedure for detaining cases by analyzing its current situation in order to strengthen the protection of human rights and to improve the procedures. 本文试从对羁押性强制措施的现状分析入手,试图通过建立公开听证程序来完善我国的羁押性强制措施的适用,以达到加强人权保护、完善诉讼制度的目的。
- National Commission for the Protection of Human Rights; 国家保护人权委员会;
- Amnesty International plays a specific role in the international protection of human rights. 国际特赦组织在维护国际人权上扮演特别的角色。
- IIPT; Forum on the Demobilization of Child Soldiers and the Protection of Human Rights; 儿童兵复员与保护人权论坛;
- He's devoted his whole life to the protection of the rare animals. 他终生献身于珍稀动物的保护。
- The nature of human right lies in the right protection of weakling persons. 人权的本质在于对弱势方的权利保护。
- The issue of human rights is widely agitated. 人权问题引起广泛而激烈的辩论。
- The ships required the protection of naval and air power. 船只本身需要海军和空军的保护。
- SHEN Junru pursued constitutionalization throughout his life, with the aim of striving for democracy rights for people and the protection of their human rights. 摘要沈钧儒一生追求宪政,目的就是为人民争取民主权利,落实人权保障。
- Amnesty international play a specific role in the international protection of human rights. 国际特赦组织在维护国际人权上扮演特别的角色。
- Every citizen may claim the protection of the law. 每一公民均可要求法律的保护。
- NIH policy regarding education on the protection of human research subjects. 国家卫生研究院的政策关心人体实验主题的保护教育。
- This is a flagrant violation of human rights. 这是对人权的公然侵犯。
- War is the most gross form of violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms while peace is the prerequisite for the promotion and protection of human rights. 战争是对人权和基本自由的最粗暴侵犯,和平是促进和保护人权的前提。
- The chicks are under the protection of the hen. 小鸡们在母鸡的保护下。