- The passwords you entered do not match. 你所输入的密码并不相同。
- The passwords do not match. 密码不匹配。
- The trust passwords do not match. 信任密码不匹配。
- The retype password and the new password do not match! 再次输入之新密码与新设密码不符!
- The passwords do not match. Make sure the passwords are the same. 密码不相配。请确保密码相同。
- The passwords do not match. Please retype them and then try again. 密码不匹配。请重新输入它们,然后再试一次。
- The passwords do not match. Please retype the passwords. 密码不匹配,请重新键入密码。
- The passwords do not match. Please retype the password. 密码不匹配。请重新键入密码。
- Your passwords do not match. Please reenter the password. 您的密码不匹配。请重新输入密码。
- English: The confimed password does not match. Please ensure the passwords match exactly. 密码确认并不一致,请在确认一次输入的密码是否一致。
- The password entered does not match the confirmation password. Please re-enter the passwords. 键入的密码与确认密码不相配。请重新键入密码。
- The password does not contain all or part of the account name of the user. 密码不得包含全部或部分用户帐户名。
- The curtains do not match with the decorations. 这些窗帘和(其它的)装饰不相配。
- The shared secrets do not match. 共享的机密不匹配。
- The password does not meet the password policy requirement . Check the mimimum password length ,password complexity and password history requirements. 可是我的密码策略那里,选项我都禁止了还是这样,请问应该从哪里修改呢?谢谢。
- The neckwear does not match my business suit. 这条领带和我的西装不相配.
- The passwords do not match. Please try again 密码不匹配。请重试一次
- The trimming does not match the hat. 这个饰物和帽子不相称。
- The curtains do not match with the decoration. 窗帘与室内装璜不相配。
- The data buffer does not match the column size. 数据缓冲区不符合列大小。